Chair position, University of Alberta

Sally Rice Sally.Rice at UALBERTA.CA
Sun Aug 22 21:40:14 UTC 1999

Chair, Department of Linguistics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada

Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Chair of the
Department of Linguistics at the University of Alberta.  This tenured
appointment will be made at the rank of senior Associate or full Professor,
effective 1 July 2000.  The floor of the salary scale for the rank of
Professor for the 1999/2000 academic year is $65,044.  Candidates should
have a distinguished record of scholarship and professional achievement in
both experimental and theoretical linguistics, and a research
specialization compatible with one of the continuing research strengths of
the department.

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta is engaged in an extensive
process of renewal, and is committed to ensuring that the substantial
number of hirings projected over the next several years will ensure for the
future the lively and productive intellectual environment on which the
Faculty prides itself.

The Department of Linguistics has a strong commitment to empirical and
experimental approaches to linguistic research.  Department members are
engaged in ongoing research projects, many grant-funded, in experimental
phonetics, language acquisition, discourse processing, and the study of the
phonological, morphological, and semantic aspects of the mental lexicon.  A
Chair is sought who has a philosophical commitment to experimental research
in the service of theory, and who will act as a bridge builder with allied
fields in the cognitive science domain.

The Department offers both graduate (PhD and MSc) and undergraduate
degrees, and values its reputation for excellence in teaching and graduate
training.  It provides an environment of leading-edge research and
innovative teaching/learning at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The University of Alberta is committed to the principle of equity in
employment.  As an employer we welcome diversity in the workplace and
encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including
Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities and members of visible

Please send nominations or applications (including CVs and the names of
three referees) by 1 November 1999 to:

Kenneth Norrie
Dean of Arts
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E5

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