Alternatives to Chomsky

George Lakoff lakoff at COGSCI.BERKELEY.EDU
Thu Dec 9 18:26:14 UTC 1999

>I should be grateful if you could define 'realistic' and 'empirical'.
>Thanks in advance.
>Dr. Jose-Luis Mendivil Giro
>Dept. of General and Hispanic Linguistics
>Universidad de Zaragoza
>C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12
>50009 Zaragoza (Spain)
>Phone: (+34) 976 761 000
>Fax: (+34) 976 761 541
>E-mail: jlmendi at

That's easy to find out.
Check with any member of the Cognitive Linguistic Society of Spain (AESLA).
Their e-mail list address is: lingcog at

Also take a look at the discussion of Chomsky's philosophy in Philosophy in
the Flesh (obtainable via

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