Alternatives to Chomsky meeting

Frederick Newmeyer fjn at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu Dec 9 22:55:45 UTC 1999

Joan Bresnan made an excellent point in her recent Funknet posting. The
world of linguistic theorizing is a much bigger place than it was in the
past. In my paper at the recent UCSD Conference on Explanation in
Linguistics (the conference that George Lakoff referred to), I referred
positively to work by John Haiman, Talmy Givon, and Jack Hawkins, and did
not mention Chomsky's name even once. There are lot of people out there
who are actively trying to synthesize the contributions of various
linguistic traditions, including the generative. I do hope that the
organizers of the 'Alternatives to Chomsky' conference will organize a
meeting that is sensitive to that fact.

Fritz Newmeyer

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