Myhill's message

Joan Bresnan bresnan at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Sun Dec 12 21:45:50 UTC 1999

Oh, come on, David!  This is flame-bait, just like Myhill's post.


>>>David Pesetsky said:
 > Dear Funknet subscribers,
 > We want to express our surprise and disappointment that no subscribers to
 > this list have disassociated themselves from Myhill's optimistic
 > anticipation of our colleague's death.
 > We refer to the closing lines of his message sent three days ago:
 > > Arguing with Chomsky is a waste of time. I'm all for alternative
 > > approaches, but
 > > Chomskyism is only going to die with Chomsky--and the man is 71 years old.
 > The strongest rebuke that Myhill received was an invitation to visit
 > Stanford on his sabbatical.  Surely the readers of this list are not
 > functionalists first and human beings second!
 >                 Sincerely,
 >                 Sabine Iatridou
 >                 Michael Kenstowicz
 >                 David Pesetsky

        Joan Bresnan

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