Myhill on Chomsky

Jose-Luis Mendivil Giro jlmendi at POSTA.UNIZAR.ES
Thu Dec 16 09:14:49 UTC 1999

This is my last message about this subject.
Peter A. Reich wrote:

>I'm sure God is cited more than Chomsky (I will not engage in a
>discussion as to whether God is Living), and probably Bill Gates is
>mentioned more than Chomsky as well in the popular media. And Clinton.
>So what? It is perfectly respectable in Canada, at least, to be an
>Atheist, and to prefer Linux or Macintosh. And, in the US, to be a
>Republican. Eat shit; 50 billion insects can't be wrong.--Peter Reich

Of course, when I used a 'quantitative' argument I was not trying to
demonstrate that Chomsky's ideas about language and grammar are correct.
This is an empirical matter, a scientific matter we are not dealing with
here. In fact, someone here has said that the use of, say, 'qualitative'
arguments would be a waste of time.

I was only trying to show Myhill that his vision of Chomsky as a Pope
indoctrinating an international herd of hundreds (or thousands) of icapable
of thinking by themselves linguists and scientists is simply not solvent.
That it is just an insult.

Best Regards,

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