CSDL 5 Conference Announcement

John W. Du Bois dubois at humanitas.ucsb.edu
Fri Dec 17 22:25:12 UTC 1999


The 5th conference on:

        "Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language"

will be held at the University of California, Santa Barbara, on May
11-14, 2000.

The conference is sponsored by UC Santa Barbara's Center for the Study
of Discourse, Cognitive Science Program, Department of Linguistics, and
Department of Geography.

Papers in all areas of cognitive linguistics and related research areas
are welcome, including research on conceptual structure, grammar,
meaning, cognitive processing, acquisition, language use, discourse
function, and other issues.  Papers are especially encouraged bearing
on, but not limited to, the special conference themes of:

        Grammar and Cognition
        Discourse and Cognition
        Learning and Acquisition
        Interactionally Distributed Cognition

Abstracts are due February 14, 2000.  An abstract of 500 words should be
submitted via email to Patricia Clancy at:

        pclancy at humanitas.ucsb.edu

Additional information about the conference will be made available
shortly via the Internet.

For additional information contact John Du Bois at
dubois at humanitas.ucsb.edu.

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