Bibliography of Functional Grammar

J.L. Mackenzie jl.mackenzie at LET.VU.NL
Wed Dec 22 14:03:56 UTC 1999

I am pleased to announce the publication of "Functional
Grammar Publications 1978-1998", compiled by Casper de Groot
and Hella Olbertz. This is a complete overview of the work
of Simon Dik and his co-workers that appeared between 1978
and 1998. The bibliography, which contains 1141
alphabetically arranged entries, also has a subject index
and a language index.

The bibliography has appeared as Working Papers in
Functional Grammar 72 (ISSN 0924-1205) and is available for
NLG 10 (Dutch guilders) from the executive editor: Aletta
Smits, IFOTT, Faculty of Humanities, University of
Amsterdam, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT Amsterdam, Netherlands
(e-mail: fg at; fax: +31-20-5253052). Other WPFGs
that appeared this year were:

67 Dik Bakker, "FG expression rules: from templates to
constituent structure"
68 Kwee Tjoe Liong, "Questions in the quasi-productive mode
of the Functional Grammar model"
69 Ahmed Moutaouakil, "Exclamation in Functional Grammar:
sentence type, illocution or modality?"
70 Kwee Tjoe Liong, "Adverbial clauses, FG, and the change
from sentence grammar to discourse-text grammar"
71 Dik Bakker & Ewald Hekking, "A functional approach to
linguistic change through language contact"

All enquiries regarding WPFGs should be addressed to Aletta
Smits at the address above.

Lachlan Mackenzie
Editor WPFG

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