implicature -thanks
Marta Carretero
fling11 at EMDUCMS1.SIS.UCM.ES
Wed Feb 24 20:03:21 UTC 1999
Dear funknetters,
Thanks a lot to all of you who have sent contributions to the
discussion of implicatures! I feel very happy about it: I was just looking
for some references to fill a couple of class hours, but now I have many
interesting points to consider about this subject.
I must also make clear, especially to those of you who I think
misunderstood part of my message, that I did not mean that Grice's
implicatures were not followed AT ALL in such genres as political
interviews and trials, but that they were not generally followed IN THE
SAME WAY as in other genres, such as most face-to-face conversation
between members of a family or close friends.
Thanks again,
Marta Carretero
Departamento de Filologia Inglesa
Facultad de Filologia - Edificio A
Universidad Complutense
28040 - Madrid. Spain. Fax: (341)394-54-78
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