Deadline for 1999 Institute Fellowship Applications: Feb 11

funkadmn Departmental Account funkadmn at RUF.RICE.EDU
Tue Jan 19 20:13:24 UTC 1999

>>From Jody Littleton
Linguistic Institute

*****************1999 LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE**************************

DEADLINE for applications for the 1999 LSA
Linguistic Institute FELLOWSHIPS is FEBRUARY 11.
All fellowship application materials,
including letters of recommendation, must be
received by the LSA at their Washington, D.C.
office by Feb. 11th.

The Institute will be held from June 21 to July 30
at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
The Institute brochure including fellowship and
application forms, and information about tuition/fees,
courses, concurrent events, housing, and transportation
is available at our website;

1999 Linguistic Institute     
Department of Linguistics               E-mail:  linginst at
University of Illinois                  Phone:  (217) 333-1563

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