Modern Aramaic

Johannes Heinecke johannes at
Wed Mar 3 12:15:56 UTC 1999

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, John Myhill wrote:

> Does anyone out there know about published studies of Modern Aramaic
> (or at least the Aramaic of the last 1000 years), particularly the
> sociolinguistic situation of the language, or the names/email addresses of
> scholars specializing in or at least knowing something about Modern
> Aramaic? Thanks for any help.
> John Myhill


several volumes describing phonology, morphology and syntax of aramaic
varieties still spoken have been published in a series ``Semitica Viva''
edited by Otto Jastrow with Harrassowitz-Verlag. Jastrow himself wrote

Jastrow, Otto: Der neuaramaeische Dialekt von Hertevin
(Provinz Siirt). Semitica Viva ; 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1988.
 ISBN: 3-447-02767-3.

Jastrow, Otto: Laut- und Formenlehre des neuaramaeischen
Dialekts von Midin im .Tur `Abdin: Semitica Viva ; 9. Wiesbaden
Harrassowitz (4edn) 1993. ISBN: 3-447-03334-7.

As far as I know there are also descriptions of
.Turoyo and Ma`lula available.

Jastrow is professor for Semitic studies at Erlangen University.
I do not know whether he's on e-mail.

Best regards

Johannes Heinecke                       heinecke at
Computerlinguistik                       or:  h0203kfw at
Humboldt-Universit"at zu Berlin                   Tel: (030) 20192-553
10099 Berlin                                      Fax: (030) 20196-729

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