Job at Oregon

Scott Delancey delancey at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Wed Nov 3 21:14:49 UTC 1999

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Oregon seeks
applicants for a tenure-related position in functional linguistics,
beginning September 16, 2000.  Rank is open.  Salary is competitive
depending on rank and experience.  The successful candidate
will have a significant record of research in functional / cognitive
/ typological linguistics, preferably based at least in part on fieldwork
or experimental research.  Evidence of excellence in teaching will weigh
heavily in consideration of applicants for the position.  Ability to teach
courses in another subspecialty, e.g. phonology, sociolinguistics,
historical linguistics, is highly desirable.

Completed applications will be reviewed beginning January 1,
1999.  A complete application requires a letter of application,
CV, sample publications, evidence of teaching, and three letters
of recommendation.  Materials should be sent to:

          Scott DeLancey, Chair
          Department of Linguistics
          1290 University of Oregon
          Eugene, OR 97403-1290, USA

          delancey at

The University of Oregon is an AA/EO Institution.

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