Language and Spatial Information; CSDL registration deadlines

John W. Du Bois dubois at
Wed Apr 5 20:18:09 UTC 2000

Please note the there will be a special pre-conference session on:

"Language and Spatial Information"

at the conference on "Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language"
(May 11-14, 2000, at UC Santa Barbara)

Details of the program for this session are given below.  The program
for the entire conference will be posted within a week.

Please note that the deadline for early registration for the CSDL
conference is fast approaching: your check made out to "UC Regents" in
the appropriate amount ($50 general, $30 student), in US dollars drawn
on a US bank, should be *postmarked* by April 15, and sent to:

CSDL Registration
Linguistics Department
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California 93106

Please make your arrangements for lodging soon too: the rooms we have
reserved for the conference will be held only until April 20, and are
first-come, first-serve.

For full information on lodging and registration, consult our web site

Or contact me at:

dubois at

John Du Bois
Patricia Clancy
Dan Montello


Session Program for "Language and Spatial Information"
Session time: Thursday, May 11, 7:00-9:30pm

7-7:25 pm
"Describing Routes and Events"
Barbara Tversky
Dept. of Psychology, Stanford University

7:30-7:55 pm
"Environmental Influences on Route Descriptions: A Component Analysis"
Gary Allen
Dept. of Psychology, University of South Carolina

8-8:25 pm
"Natural Language in a GIS"
Helen Couclelis
Dept. of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara

8:30-8:55 pm
"Where Do Basic (Geo)Spatial Relations Between Lines and Regions Come
David M. Mark
Dept. of Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo

9-9:25 pm
"A Formalism of Metaphorical Transfer -- From Spatial to Non-Spatial"
Andrew Frank
Dept. of Geoinformation, Technical University, Vienna, Austria

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