Question: Language Awareness Course
Ali Aghbar
aaghbar at GROVE.IUP.EDU
Mon Apr 24 18:45:48 UTC 2000
I teach a language awareness course to American undergraduate students from
various disciplines. For them, this is the only course about language and
its role in their lives. I include both topics that deal with language in
its social context and topics that are more restrictively linguistic. I
will tell you more when I provide a summary of responses.
Here is my question. If you were to teach a language-awareness course
provided this is the only such course) to undergraduates, what three topics
would you feel you must include in it? Also, if you have taught such a
course, I would love to hear how you have handled it. PLEASE RESPOND.
For your information, my students get bored easily, so I would prefer to
include topics, or present them in such a way, that I engage the students in
discussion and discovery and rely less on lecturing. Also, students prefer
topics with a practical application. Reading is not a problem.
Please reply to ME. I will be using the responses (anonymously, of course)
in actual revision of the course and in a conference presentation. I will
summarize the results for this list.
Ali A. Aghbar, Dept. of English, Indiana U. of PA, Indiana PA 15705
aaghbar at Phone: 724 357 4937
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