Fellowship in Alaska Native Languages

Gary Holton Gary.Holton at UAF.EDU
Tue Apr 25 18:08:39 UTC 2000


The University of Alaska invites applications for a Graduate
Fellowship in Linguistics and Alaska Native Languages. The
fellowship is open to post-baccalaureate students who are
actively engaged in learning an Alaska Native Language and
who intend to pursue a career in teaching or researching
that language. It is intended to provide students with the
financial resources to devote full attention to completing a
graduate degree. Students will work closely with a committee
of faculty to determine appropriate coursework and research
design. The student must be accepted for graduate work at
UAF under one of the following options: 1) M.Ed. in Language
and Literacy; 2) M.A. or Ph.D. in Linguistic Anthropology;
3) an interdisciplinary M.A. or Ph.D. (For more information
on these degree programs, consult the UAF catalog or call
the number below.)

Terms of the award
This award provides a $10,000 stipend in addition to tuition
and fees. Recipients must maintain continuous full-time
enrollment and good academic standing at UAF throughout the
tenure of the award. Please note, award recipients may not
be employed during the tenure of the award.

Application Procedure
For more information see our website at:


Or contact:

        Dr. Charlotte Basham
        Linguistics Program
        Box 757720
        University of Alaska
        Fairbanks, AK 99775-7720
        (907) 474-6884 [voice]
        (907) 474-7453 [fax]
        ffcsb at uaf.edu

Application deadline: June 15, 2000

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and Educational

 Gary Holton
 Alaska Native Language Center
 P.O. Box 757680
 University of Alaska
 Fairbanks, AK   99775-7680
 (907) 474-6585 [voice]
 (907) 474-6586 [fax]
 gary.holton at uaf.edu

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