reflexives in subject position

Wolfgang Schulze W.Schulze at LRZ.UNI-MUENCHEN.DE
Fri Feb 11 17:54:34 UTC 2000

Dear Nino,

you asked:

> I would really appreciate it if you could give me any references on
> reflexives in subject position. Or perhaps any of you know a language(s)
> allowing reflexives in subject position.

I guess you will receive a considerable number of positive answers
referring to East Caucasian. In fact I think that the use of reflexives
in 'subject' position is documented in many (if not most) of these
languages. Let me just quote three examples from Udi (South East

(1)    ich Baqi-x kar-re-xa
        '(S)he lives in Baku.'

(2)    ich-en ish'oun ash-ne-b-sa
        REFL-ERG at=night work-3SG:A-LV:TRANS-PRES
        '(S)he works at night'

(3)    ich-u ich a"iel-gh-ox gölö-t'u buq'-sa
        REFL-DAT REFL:POSS child-PL-DAT2 much-3SG:IO love-PRES
        '(S)he loves her children evry much'

(1) is intransitive, (2) is transitive [ergative case], (3) is
'indirect' (or 'inversion' or a verbum sentiendi construction'...]. Note
that agreement always is 'accusative' (S=A(=IO)).

The function of headless reflexives in Udi seems to be to emphasize
coreference in referential tracking (normally on an accusative basis
(S=A)). I have tested the use of 'headless reflexives' with other
persons than non-SAP. The results were ambigous. Some informants
accepted a construction like (4), others didn't.

(4)   ? ich Baqi-x kar-zu-exa
          REF:ABS Baku-DAT2 live-1SG:S-LV:INTRANS:PRES
          'I (myself) live in Baku.'

Most informants did not accept SAP-related 'headless reflexives' as A in
transitive constructions except in questions addressing SAP(2), cf.:

(5)    ich-en fi-n ugh-sa?
        REFL-ERG wine-2SG:A drink-PRES
        'Do YOU drink wine?'

I assume that the use of headless reflexives is related to the emphatic
function that reflexives have in East Cauacsian (esp. in Lezgian
languages), cf. Tabasaran:

(6)    dumu uchw chan bazhr-a-qadzhi shah-r-s ghush-nu
        he:ABS REFL:ABS REFL:GEN son-SA-COM town-SA-DAT go-AOR
        'He himself went with his son into the town.'

(7)    uzu uchw dzhanuwar k'unu-za
        I:ABS REFL:ABS wolf kill:past-1SG:A
        'I myself killed the wolf.'

In (7) the reflexive copies the 'accusative' behavior (ABS instead of
ERG) of the SAP(1) pronoun, contrary e.g. to Aghul (Kurag):

(8)    zun uch-i aq'une kar
        I:ABS REFL-ERG make:AOR work
        'I did the work myself.'

The dropping of the pronoun leads to either an ergative or absolutive
coding of the reflexive, depending on which strategy the language
prefers [(7) or (8)], cf. (9) which is an ambigous construction in Aghul
(Burshag) [no personal agreement]:

(9)    che k'inaw huch
        REFL:ERG kill:PAST wolf
        'I/you/(s)he.... killed the wolf.'

I hope that helps,


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze
Institut fuer Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet München
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 München
Tel.: +89-21805343 / Fax: +89-21805345
Email: W.Schulze at

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