back to the data...

Ardis Eschenberg ardise at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 22 23:57:01 UTC 2000

Getting back to the data, I thought it might be worth noting  that in
Turkish the use of the self pronoun as subject occurs in the contexts (as
was noted for other languages) where there is an emphasis on the fact that
the particular set of people did the action, as in the English,"They
themselves made the dinner."  (No one helped them.)  Likely people figured
this from what was presented, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to add for
people like me who wondered about the use/context.  The original message is
Ardis Eschenberg
State University of New York at Buffalo
Wayne State College of Nebraska

>In Turkish language the self pronoun 'kendi' is used in the subjectposition
>as in the following example:
>Kendi (himself/herself) geldi (came). It is an inflectional pronoun. Thus,
>it is possible to use it for the other subject pronouns. For instance,
>kendi-m (myself), kendi /kendisi (himself/herself/itself), kendi-leri
>Tüm (All) hazýrlýklarý (preparations) kendileri (themselves) yaptýlar(did).
>"Themselves did all the preparations.

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