New Book: The History of Linguistics in the Nordic Countries

Matti Miestamo matmies at
Tue Feb 29 10:41:45 UTC 2000

                 *** New book ***

The History of Linguistics in the Nordic Countries
          Even Hovdhaugen, University of Oslo
         Fred Karlsson, University of Helsinki
        Carol Henriksen, University of Roskilde
           Bengt Sigurd, University of Lund

Publisher: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki

            appeared on February 28, 2000

Hardback, 672 pages.
Price: 130 FIM (162 DKK, 175 NOK, 185 SEK, 22 euros, 21 USD) + postage.

At http://www.ling.Helsinki.FI/~fkarlsso/nordhist.htm
you find the Preface and Table of Contents of the book
as well as a presentation of the authors.

Mail orders to: Bookstore Tiedekirja, Mariankatu 5, FIN-00170 Helsinki, Finland
FAX orders to: +358 9 635 017
E-mail orders: tiedekirja at
Further information:
please call the Bookstore at +358 9 635177,
or Fred Karlsson at +358 9 19123512 (fkarlsso at

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