Summer session: Spoken Language in Context

Keith Johnson kjohnson at LING.OHIO-STATE.EDU
Sat Mar 4 19:27:32 UTC 2000

Summer 2000 at Ohio State University

Spoken Language in Context: Methods and Models

During July of 2000, the Department of Linguistics at the
Ohio State University will be offering a unique combination
of short courses aimed at exploring spoken language, with a
particular focus on the empirical study of naturally-occurring
speech through various instrumental, quantitative, and analytic
means.  Scholars, researchers (industry or academic), and
students are invited to join us for an intense and rewarding
summer session.

Course offerings:
     Laboratory Phonology - Mary Beckman
     Quantitative Methods - Michael Broe
     Field Phonetics - Keith Johnson
     Historical Phonology - Brian Joseph & Richard Janda
     Practicum in English Intonation - Julia McGory
     The Pragmatics of Focus - Craige Roberts

For more information see the website:

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