Spanish intro ling textbook

Jose-Luis Mendivil Giro jlmendi at POSTA.UNIZAR.ES
Fri Mar 31 11:27:09 UTC 2000

At 15:58 -0800 30/3/00, Johanna Rubba wrote:
>I posted a query a while ago asking for recommendations for a basic
>(usable by non-majors) introduction to linguistics in Spanish. Sadly, I
>seem to have lost the replies I got. Now I have a student who would
>benefit greatly from being able to read about basic linguistics concepts
>in Spanish. Can anyone direct me to a good book? One that would be
>available in the USA?

Your last condition restricts severely my suggestions. I have used
profitably the following in my classes:

Moreno Cabrera, J.C. (1991) Curso Universitario de Linguistica General,
Madrid: Sintesis (2 vols.)

Dr. Jose-Luis Mendivil Giro
Dept. of General and Hispanic Linguistics

Universidad de Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12
50009 Zaragoza (Spain)

Phone: (+34) 976 761 000
Fax: (+34) 976 761 541
E-mail: jlmendi at

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