Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference

Shoichi Iwasaki iwasaki at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Mon May 1 07:49:19 UTC 2000


The 10th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference

UCLA,  October 13-15, 2000

Deadline for Abstract Submission: June 26, 2000.

Note: This year, BOTH e-mail AND snail-mail abstracts submission will
be REQUIRED. June 26, 2000 is the deadline for e-mail application.
Snail mail must arrive by June 30, 2000.


Suk-Jin Chang (Seoul National U, Korea)
Hairine Diffloth (Cornell U, USA)
Wesley M. Jacobsen (Harvard U, USA)
Susumu Kuno (Harvard U, USA)
S. -Y. Kuroda (UCSD, USA)
Chungmin Lee (Seoul National U, Korea)
Seiichi Makino (Princeton U, USA)
Naomi H. McGloin (U of Wisconsin at Madison, USA)
Katsuhiko Momoi (Netscape, USA)
William O'Grady (U of Hawaii, USA)
Masayoshi Shibatani (Kobe U. Japan/Center for Advanced Study in the
Behavioral Sciences, USA)
Yoko Sugioka (Keio U, Japan)
Tim Vance (Connecticut College, USA)

This year, the Japanese/Korean Conference will celebrate its 10th
anniversary during the weekend following Hangul (Korean Alphabet) Day
(Oct. 9).  With affection and appreciation, we would like to dedicate the
conference and the proceedings to the memory of Jim McCawley (1938-
1999), who was one of the founding fathers of Japanese and Korean
Linguistics in this country.  To mark this very special occasion, we have
invited Jim's former students, long-time friends, and colleagues.

This conference aims to provide a forum for presenting research in
Japanese and Korean linguistics, thereby facilitating efforts to deepen our
understanding of these two languages which have striking typological
similarities.  We especially encourage presentations which investigate both
languages.  Potential topics include, but are not limited to, syntax,
semantics, pragmatics, discourse, typology, grammaticalization, historical
linguistics, phonology, morphology, language acquisition,
psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics.

All the presentations, including those by invited speakers, will be 20
minutes long, and will be followed by a 10 minute question-answer period.

Submitted items should include:

By snail mail:
1) One copy of a ONE-PAGE abstract (500 words maximum).  First line
should indicate the category, Formal or Functional, followed by the sub-

        For example, Formal/Syntax, Formal/Morphology, or
        Functional/Discousre,   Functional/Grammaticalization,
        Functinal/Cognitive linguistics etc.).

Second line should be the paper title: Omit your name and affiliation from
the abstract.  A second page may be used ONLY for examples and citing

2) A 3" by 5" card with the title of the paper, the name(s) and affiliation(s)
of the author(s), and the address, phone number and e-mail address of the
primary author.

If your address, phone number and e-mail address will be different during
the summer, be sure to include that information.

3) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT:  By e-mail: In addition to (1) and (2)
above, submit via e-mail the same abstract and the author information
described in (1) and (2) to protect the loss of information as well as to
facilitate the abstract selection process.

        The 10th J/K e-mail address is : <10th J_K at humnet.ucla.edu >.

Please use the subject header "JK10, (your last name and first name
initial), (category, i.e., "Formal/Syntax" or
"Functional/Grammaticalization" etc.)".  See the next example.

        JK10, Nagashima, S., Formal/Phonology

Include all the author information in the body of the e-mail.

Abstracts should be sent as an attachment, and should be also pasted in the
body of the e-mail.  Please include any non-standard fonts that you use.  If
you send your abstract in any format other than plain text, please allow for
time to solve any technical difficulties that may arise.  Acceptable formats

    1. Plain text
    2. Microsoft Word (Important!  Please send two versions: TEXT ONLY
        and RTF files.)

4) Note that only one abstract from each individual can be considered for
acceptance. One individual abstract and one jointly authored abstract may
also be submitted.

5) All the necessary information about the conference will appear on our
JK Conference Website shortly


Mailing Address for snail mail abstracts:

Formal (Syntax, Semantics, Phonology, and Morphology):

Prof. Hajime Hoji
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Functional (Other topics than above)
Prof. Noriko Akatsuka
East Asian Languages & Cultures
290 Royce Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540


The proceedings of this conference will be published as Japanese/Korean
Linguistics 10 by CSLI and distributed by Cambridge University Press:

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