Extraterrestrial linguistics

Rick Morneau ram at eskimo.com
Sun Nov 5 16:06:08 UTC 2000

Sheri Wells Jensen <swellsj at BGNET.BGSU.EDU> writes:
> This summer, I have the wonderful opportunity to teach a graduate
> seminar called "Extraterrestrial Language' ...[snipped]... I don't
> want to miss anything important here.  I'd be grateful for any
> suggestions for readings anyone might care to pass along.

I suggest that you subscribe to the conlang discussion list.  Conlang is
a list for people who enjoy constructing artificial languages, and
several people who subscribe to the list have worked on alien languages.
Many of them also have strong backgrounds in linguistics.

You can subscribe to the list by sending the following one-line message:

  subscribe conlang your-name


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Best regards,

Rick Morneau

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