Functional/Cognitive Job at Oregon

Scott Delancey delancey at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Tue Nov 7 19:54:22 UTC 2000

Linguistics Department
University of Oregon
Assistant Professor Position #7891

The Department of linguistics at the University of Oregon seeks
applicants for an Assistant Professor position in
functional/cognitive linguistics, beginning September 15, 2001.  The
successful candidate will have an established commitment to research
in functional/cognitive/typological linguistics, involving work with
primary/empirical data.  Evidence of excellence in teaching will
weigh heavily in consideration of applicants for the position.  We
are especially interested in applicants with research and/or teaching
strengths in one or more of the following:  phonology,
psycholinguistics, discourse and cognition, sociolinguistics, or
anthropological linguistics.

Completed applications will be reviewed beginning December 15, 2000.
Preliminary interviews will be held at the LSA meeting in January.  A
complete application requires a letter of application, Curriculum
Vitae, sample publications, evidence of teaching, and three letters
of recommendation.  Materials should be sent to:

Spike Gildea, Chair
Department of Linguistics
1290 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403-1290

The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
institution, committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the
American Disabilities Act.

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