Call for Papers: Int. Cognitive Linguistics 2001

Suzanne E Kemmer kemmer at RUF.RICE.EDU
Tue Sep 12 19:33:22 UTC 2000

                     ** CALL FOR PAPERS **

The 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2001
                   Santa Barbara, California

              To be held in conjunction with the
                  2001 LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE,
         sponsored by the Linguistic Society of America

                       July 22-27, 2001

Abstracts are solicited for papers to be presented at the
ICLC 2001 in Santa Barbara.

Papers in all areas of Cognitive Linguistics are welcome.

  General Sessions
    Papers on all cognitive topics will be scheduled in
    parallel conference sessions July 23-27.

  Poster Session
    The Poster Session will take place on July 25.

  Theme Sessions
    Theme sessions (a.k.a. workshops) on particular topics
    will take place on July 26.
    For proposals see

For abstract specifications and reviewing criteria see

Submission Deadlines
    General and Poster Sessions: November 15, 2000
    Theme Session Proposals (with accompanying abstracts):
      October 1, 2000

Further Information on ICLC 2001
    See the Conference Homepage at

Further information on the International Cognitive
  Linguistics Association
    See the ICLA homepage at

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