Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conf (final program)
Shoichi Iwasaki
iwasaki at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Mon Sep 25 08:00:41 UTC 2000
10th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference Program
October 13 - 15, 2000
- Send all messages to: <10thj_k at HUMnet.UCLA.EDU.>.
- Please pre-registration by October 2, 2000. All information can be found at:
*************** PROGRAM ***********************
* Names in upper case are the 13 invited speakers
FRIDAY, October 13: Morning Session
8:00-8:30 BREAKFAST (coffee & pastry)
8:45 Registration
9:45 Welcome and Announcements by Noriko Akatsuka, UCLA
10:00 Ken Hiraiwa, MIT
"Nominative-genitive conversion revisited"
10:30 Yuki Matsuda, U of Washington/U of Memphis
"Event sensitivity of head-internal relatives in Japanese"
11:00 Break
11:10 Kyoko Ohara, Keio University, Japan
"From relativization to clause-linkage: a case of Japanese
internally headed
11:40 Kimiko Nakanishi, University of Pennsylvania
"Prosody and Information Structure in Japanese: a Case Study of Topic
Marker wa "
12:10 TIMOTHY VANCE, University of Arizona
"Semantic Bifurcation in Japanese Compound Verbs"
FRIDAY, October 13: Afternoon Session
1:40 Jongsup Jun, Brandeis University
"Semantic co-composition and coercion of the Korean Substantival Nouns-
ha(ta) construction: Evidence for the generative lexicon"
2:10 Thomas Gammerschlag, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Germany
"Deriving argument structure in Japanese verb-verb compounds"
2:40 WESLEY JACOBSEN, Harvard University
"On the interaction of temporal and modal meaning in Japanese
3:10 BREAK
3:20 Byung-jin Lim, Indiana University
"Local and Global Patterns of Temporal Compensations in Korean"
3:50 Reijirou Shibasaki, University of California at Santa Barbara
"On Sound symbolism in Japanese and Korean"
4:20 Sung-Ock Sohn & Mee-Jeong Park, UCLA
"Discourse, grammaticalization, and intonation: An analysis of
-ketun in
4:50 BREAK
5:00 SUK JIN CHANG, Seoul National University, Korea
"Information Unpackaging: A Constraint-based Unified Grammar
5:30 Kaoru Ohta, University of Washington
"Kakari-musubi and focus structure"
6:00 Wolfram Schaffar, Tuebingen University and The National Language
Research Institute, Japan
"Kakari-musubi, no-da constructions and how grammaticalization theory
meets formal syntax"
6:30 WILLIAM O'GRADY, University of Hawaii
"The Processing of Relative Clauses in Korean, Japanese and English"
SATURDAY, October 14: Morning Session
8:00-8:30 BREAKFAST (coffee & pastry)
8:30 Registration
9:00 Yu Hirata, The Ohio State University
"Genitive tu in Old Japanese and Grammaticalization of Genitive
9:30 Minju Kim, UCLA
"On the Emergence of Korean Concessive myense: Focusing on the
Grammaticalization of se"
10:00 NAOMI MCGLOIN, University of Wisconsin at Madison
"Markers of Epistemic vs. Affective Stances: Desyoo vs. Zyanai"
10:30 BREAK
10:40 Soohee Kim & Emily Curtis, University of Washington
"Phonetic duration of English /s/ and its borrowing in Korean"
11:10 Stuart Davis & Isao Ueda, Indiana University & Osaka University of
Foreign Studies, Japan
"Mora augmentation in Shizuoka Japanese"
11:40 Emily Curtis, University of Washington
"Moreic structure and segment duration in Korean"
12:10 BREAK
12:15 S. -Y. KURODA, University of California at San Diego
"Rendaku and some related issues in Japanese phonology"
SATURDAY, October 14: Afternoon Session
2:15 SUSUMU KUNO, Harvard University
"Ga/O Alternation, Verb Raising and Scrambling"
2:45 BREAK
2:55 Shin sook Kim, Universitaet Konstanz, Germany
"Intervention effects are focus effects"
3:25 Kisuk Lee & Satoshi Tomioka, University of Delaware
"Intervention effects are topic effects: Wh- questions in Japanese and
3:55 BREAK
4:05 Sunggeun Cho & Xuan Zhou, MIT & SUNY at Stony Brook
"The interpretations of Wh- elements in conjoined Wh- question"
4:35 Aeryong Kim, Kanda University of International Studies, Japan
"Two positions of Korean negation"
6:05 Jieun Jo & Chungmin Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
"A removal type of negative predicates in Korean and Japanese"
2:55 Edson T. Miyamoto & Shoici Takahashi,
University of Tokyo & Kanda University of International Studies, Japan
"The processing of wh-phrases and interrogative complementizers in
3:25 Mitsuaki Shimojo, SUNY at Buffalo
"A cognitive account of extraction asymmetry in Japanese
3:55 BREAK
4:05 Haruko Cook, University of Hawaii
"The Social Meanings of the Japanese Plain Form"
4:35 Hiroko Furo, Illinois Wesleyan University
"Aizuchi and Listener Responses in Japanese"
6:05 Emi Morita, UCLA
"Authorship of Collaborative Completion of Sentences in Japanese"
6:35 BREAK
Kobe University, Japan & Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Sciences, USA
"Japanese and Korean causatives revisited"
7:10 BREAK
7:30-9:30 BANQUET
HAIRINE DIFFLOTH, Cornell University
SUNDAY, October 15: Morning Session
8:00-8:30 BREAKFAST (coffee & pastry)
8:30 Registration
9:00 Kyu-hyun Kim & Kyung-Hee Suh,
Kyung Hee University & Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea
"Referential practice in Korean conversation: Prospective indexicals as
resources for organizing interaction"
9:30 Sungchool Im, SUNY at Buffalo
"Characteristic Lexicalization Patterns of Motion Events in Korean"
10:00 YOKO SUGIOKA, Keio University, Japan
"Incorporation vs. modification in Japanese deverbal compounds"
10:30 BREAK
10:40 J.R. Hayashishita, University of Southern California
"The scope interaction between a QP and negation"
11:10 Ai Kawazoe, Kyushu University, Japan
"On the nature of distributive readings in Japanese"
11:40 KATSUHIKO MOMOI, Netscape, USA
"Communications Software Internationalization and National Character
Sets: supporting Japanese and Korean on the Internet"
12:10 LUNCH
SUNDAY, October 15: Afternoon Session
1:10 Sang-cheol Ahn, Kyung Hee University, Korea
"A dispersion account on Middle Korean vowel shifts"
1:40 Kaoru Horie & Kaori Taira, Tohoku University, Japan
"Where Korean and Japanese Differ: Modality vs. Discourse Modality"
2:10 BREAK
2:20 CHUNGMIN LEE, Seoul National University, Korea
"Negative Polarity in Korean and Japanese"
2:50 Sae-yeon Cho & Han-gyu Lee, Honam University & Kyung Hee
University, Korea
"Syntactic and pragmatic properties of the NPI yegan in Korean"
3:20 Ae-ryung Kim & Yoshihisa Kitagawa,
Kanda University of International Studies & Indiana U/ Yokohama
National U, Japan
"Opacity in Japanese and Korean"
3:50 BREAK
4:00 Susan Strauss, Hanae Katayama & Jong-oh Eun, Pennsylvania State
"Grammar, Cognition, and Procedure as Reflected in Route Directions in
Japanese, Korean, and American English"
4:30 Maeri Megumi, University of Southern California
"The switching between desu/masu form and plain form: from the
perspective of turn construction"
5:00 SEIICHI MAKINO, Princeton University
"When does communication turn mentally inward? -- a case study of
Japanese formal-to-informal switching"
5:30 Closing remarks
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