Job Announcement

Philip W. Davis pwd at RICE.EDU
Sun Aug 19 21:42:50 UTC 2001

                        Assistant Professor of Linguistics
                                Rice University

        The Department of Linguistics, Rice University, is seeking to fill a tenure-track position in linguistics at the level of assistant professor beginning fall, 2002. The Ph.D. is required.

        The Department offers degrees at the B.A. and at the Ph.D. levels. The orientation of the Department is strongly functionalist and usage-based.  The faculty adopts an integrative approach that is sensitive to language in its many contexts: discourse, social, cognitive, historical, etc. We emphasize language description, typological generalizations, functional explanations, and fieldwork experience.

         We expect the successful candidate to share the orientation of the Department, to have an active research program, and to have demonstrated excellence in teaching. Preference will be given to those who (1) have research experience in fieldwork on (a) non-Indo-European language(s), (2) are comfortable teaching courses not only in their area(s) of specialization, but also in phonology and/or historical linguistics. The normal teaching load is two courses per semester.

        Interviews will be held in January, 2002 at the LSA meeting in San Francisco. For full consideration, applications including cover letter, CV, three letters of reference, and one representative article must be received by November 15, 2001. Reply to: Faculty Search, Department of Linguistics MS23, Rice University, 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005.  E-mail: ling at ruf.rice. edu. Webpage:  AA/EOE.

Philip W. Davis                                 e-mail: pwd at
Professor of Linguistics & Chair                tel:    (713)348-6010
Department of Linguistics MS23          fax:    (713)348-4718
Rice University                                 web:
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77005

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