Columbia School conf. program

Joseph Davis jdavis at
Thu Dec 20 05:13:01 UTC 2001

Seventh International Conference on the Interaction of
Linguistic Form and Meaning with Human Behavior

Columbia University, New York City
February 16-18, 2002


Saturday, Feb. 16, 2002, Philosophy Hall

 8:45- 9:00     Welcome
 9:00-10:00     Keynote Address:  Melissa Bowerman (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
10:00-10:30     Discussion
10:30-11:00     Break
11:00-11:30     "My brother vs. my goat:  The puzzle of possessed animates in Swahili"
                Ellen Contini-Morava (University of Virginia)
11:30-11:45     Discussion
11:45-12:15     "A unified account of the English -self forms"
                Nancy Stern (Hofstra University)
12:15-12:30     Discussion
12:30- 1:30     Lunch
 1:30- 2:00     "The necessity of instructional meanings:  Evidence from a comparison of the Dutch and the Afrikaans demonstrative adjectives"
                Robert S. Kirsner (University of California, Los Angeles)
 2:00- 2:15     Discussion
 2:15- 2:45     "Locative/directional particles in Korean:  -ey, -eyse, -(u)lo"
                Junghee Park (UCLA)
 2:45- 3:00     Discussion
 3:00- 3:30     Break
 3:30- 4:00     "German case revisited:  Implications for the Human Factor Orientation"
                Kryztof Urban (UCLA)
 4:00- 4:15     Discussion
 4:15- 4:45     "The meaning of the definite article in English"
                Richard Epstein (Rutgers University, Camden)
 4:45- 5:00     Discussion
 5:00- 5:20     "A new analysis of Serbo-Croatian se"
                Radmila Gorup (Columbia University)
 5:20- 5:30     Discussion
 5:30-  Reception

Sunday, Feb. 17, 2002, Philosophy Hall

 9:00-10:00     Keynote Address:  Joan Bybee (University of New Mexico)
10:00-10:30     Discussion
10:30-11:00     Break
11:00-11:20     "Phonology as human behavior:  Inflectional systems"
                Yishai Tobin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
11:20-11:30     Discussion
11:30-11:50     "Dependencies between sound and function in nonlexical interjections"
                Gina Joue, Nikolinka Nenova, Ronan Reilly, Julie Carson-Berndsen (University College, Dublin)
11:50-12:00     Discussion
12:00-12:20     "On the non-arbitrariness of phonetic structure:  Body sounds"
                Regina Pustet (University of Colorado; Univ. of Munich)
12:20-12:30     Discussion
12:30-12:50     "Phonological processes in Japanese loan words based on the theory of phonology as human behavior"
        Yishai Tobin and Haruko Miyakoda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
12:50- 1:00     Discussion
 1:00- 2:00     Lunch
 2:00- 2:20     "Phonology as human behavior:  The case of peninsular Spanish"
        Adriaan Dekker, Bob de Jonge (University of Groningen)
 2:20- 2:30     Discussion
 2:30- 2:50     "Phonology without the phoneme, again"
        Joseph Davis (City College, City University of New York)
 2:50- 3:00     Discussion
 3:00- 3:30     Break
 3:30- 4:00     "Position of adverbial particles in phrasal verbs and resultativeness in English"
        Marina Gorlach (Kaye Teachers College, Beer-Sheva)
 4:00- 4:15     Discussion
 4:15- 4:45     "A cross-language comparison of extra information phrasal length as a predictor of word order"
        Ricardo Otheguy, Betsy Rodriguez-Bachiller, Eulalia Canals (Graduate Center, CUNY; Kean University)
 4:45- 5:00     Discussion
 8:00- 9:00     Keynote Address:  Alan Huffman (City University of New York)
 9:00- 9:30     Discussion

Monday, Feb. 18, 2002, International Affairs Building

 8:30- 8:50     "Columbia School and Saussure's langue"
        Wallis Reid (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)
 8:50- 9:00     Discussion
 9:00- 9:20     "Using Columbia School linguistics in teaching beginning German"
        Eric Nash (UCLA)
 9:20- 9:30     Discussion
 9:30- 9:50     "The role of the paradigm in sign-based morphology"
        Mark Elson (University of Virginia)
 9:50-10:00     Discussion
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-10:50     "Are there grammatical signals to be found in Japanese cognate clusters?"
        Benjamin Rosenthal (UCLA)
10:50-11:00     Discussion
11:00-11:20     "The Japanese inferential auxiliaries rashii, yoo-da, daroo, and soo-da"
        Hidemi Sugi (UCLA)
11:20-11:30     Discussion
11:30-11:50     "Yet, but, and still"
        Charlene Crupi (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)
11:50-12:00     Discussion
12:00-12:30     Concluding remarks and conference business meeting


Name ________________________________________________________________
Mailing address ___________________________________________________
E-mail ____________________     Telephone ________________________


Single rooms with private bath in East Campus at the University are available at $100 per night; double rooms at $115.  (If sharing a double, please indicate with whom: _______________________).

Alternatively, you may make private arrangements.  Midtown or Upper West Side Manhattan would be most convenient.


Regular $85.00 ___              Student $40.00 ___

East Campus     Single $100 ___ Double  $57.50 ___ (1/2 of share)

**On-site registration:
Regular $95.00 ___              Student $45.00 ___

Send check, in US$, payable to Columbia School Linguistic Society, to:
Dr. Radmila Gorup
Columbia School Linguistic Society
P.O. Box 250548, Columbia Univ. Sta.
New York, NY  10025

Conference website, for updates:

Joseph Davis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Education R6207-A
City College
New York, NY  10031
Tel. 212-650-6240

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