Linguistics Postdoc available--on Causativity

Suzanne Kemmer kemmer at RICE.EDU
Sat Dec 29 14:26:03 UTC 2001




(REF 1037/01)

The University of Manchester is offering a one-year,
full-time research position at post-doctoral level for
the new ERSC-funded project: Causativity In South East
Asian Varieties Of English. The project will be
carried out at the School of English and Linguistics
under the supervision of Dr. Debra Ziegeler.

The person appointed will be expected to undertake
field work research in Singapore and Malaysia, to
produce publications in collaboration with the
supervisor and to analyse quantitative data of a
grammatical nature.

Applicants should have a strong background in
sociolinguistic methodology combined with a developed
knowledge of areas such as cognitive semantics,
grammaticalisation, second language varieties of
English, or cognitive-functional approaches to
variation research. A knowledge of computerised
statistical methods of analysing quantitative data
would be desirable, although not essential.

The salary will be £17,451 per annum. The starting
date for the appointment should be no later than 1
June 2002.

Informal enquiries to Dr. Debra Ziegeler, School of
English and Linguistics, University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester. M13 9PL. United Kingdom. Tel:
+44(0)161275 3142 fax: +44 (0)161 275 3256 e-mail:
debra.ziegeler at Please do NOT send emailed
applications to this address; instead, please post
formal applications in hard copy, including any
relevant publications.

The following are available in pdf format:
Further particulars
Application form
Equal opportunities monitoring form

Application forms and further particulars are also
available from the office of the Director of
Personnel, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road,
Manchester M13 9PL. Tel 0161 275 2028, fax 0161 275
minicom (for the hearing impaired) 0161 275 7889,
e.mail personnel at

Quote ref 1037/01.

Closing date 31 January 2002.

As an equal opportunities employer the university
welcomes applications from suitably qualified people
all sections of the community regardless of race,
religion, gender or disability.

Suzanne Kemmer
Dept. of Linguistics
Rice University

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