verbs of existence/possession, speaking/thinking,sensual perception

Cecilia E. Ford ceford at FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU
Tue Feb 13 21:36:24 UTC 2001

Please Reply-To: "David S. Danaher" <dsdanaher at>

I am currently working with a corpus of verbs in Czech and have determined
that 80% of these verbs fall into roughly three categories: verbs of
existence/possession, verbs of speaking/thinking, and verbs of sensual
I would like to investigate this regularity in my corpus further, and I
know that there is literature on the roles that one or more of these three
general verbal groupings play in various linguistic phenomena. However, I
am having trouble locating specific sources which take up this theme. I
thought perhaps someone out there might have done some work in this area
and might have ready suggestions for what I should read. I would
appreciate any help!
Thanks in advance,
David S. Danaher, Assistant Professor
Slavic Languages, 1432 Van Hise
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706
<dsdanaher at>

Cecilia E. Ford
Department of English
600 N. Park St.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison  WI 53706    USA

ceford at

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