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Tim Hatch timhatchus at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jan 10 17:01:35 UTC 2001

I greet all:

I contact you to comment you an internet address that
I have found and it has seemed me of great interest. I
am a teacher of Spanish and often I look for webs that
facilitate me information about Spanish culture and
that they also have courses of Spanish. In short this
course has surprised me since to be innovative and it
is completely on-line. For the years that I take of
experience I can tell you that the teaching method
seems more than simple and practical for what it will
facilitate in great measure the individual learning,
as you already know, it is very complicated.

I encourage you to visit the web ( ) and you can confirm
what I’m telling you and also I ask you that you
facilitate me addresses of other webs through which I
could be carried out on-line courses..

Thank you ahead of time.

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