Other metaphors of communication

Marc Girod girod at STYBBA.NTC.NOKIA.COM
Tue May 1 07:52:06 UTC 2001

>>>>> "WM" == William Mann <bill_mann at SIL.ORG> writes:

I don't believe the metaphors you cite are bound to "English and other
Western languages". What strikes me is that they focus on one-way
communications (producer-consumer relationship).

WM> the Container metaphor...
[I prefer the "Message"]
WM> The Conduit metaphor...
WM> Another close relative is the Code model...

Other, more collaborative and thus more sophisticated, metaphors in
use are:

- resonance
- interpretation / hermeneutics
- assumption / breakdown / feed-back
- proof / deduction
- dialectics

Marc Girod        P.O. Box 320        Voice:  +358-9-511 23746
Nokia Networks    00045 NOKIA Group   Mobile: +358-40-569 7954
Hiomo 5/1         Finland             Fax:    +358-9-511 23580

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