classification model for information

HF Prins HF.Prins at RIVM.NL
Mon Nov 26 17:06:28 UTC 2001

Dear readers,

On my own initiative I have made a classification model for information
based on time, space and matter, each with same 4 relationships:
- greater
- less
- equal
- different (different unit)

The text should be read in courier.

This attachment contains the same text:
(See attached file: tsm8.txt)

The TSM-information model

The TSM-information model (version 4 March 2001) is a hypothetical
symmetrical classification structure which I built myself  for
application to data transfer.
It is based on time, space and matter.
The most basic information classification structure can be compiled into
this one simple symmetrical uniform model, in which each separate
quantity is broken down into four relationships, all of the same type.
With this model it is possible, for example, to demonstrate how a ball
game can stand model for the food cycle, a scientific study, the
interaction with a computer or logistics.
I would appreciate comments by experts on this model.
Although I have constructed the TSM-information model on my own
initiative, I believe it to be well-founded.
Readers are invited to comment on the classification structure presented.

1. Introduction

Before constructing the TSM-information model, I searched the literature,
but did not encounter other information models showing the same highly
plausible structure.
The TSM-model may be compared with the empirical cycle (De Groot 1961).
My most recent inquiries included the following:
1) Is the TSM-information model plausible?
2) What is the difference between the TSM-information model and
   comparable models?
3) Can the TSM-information model be improved?
   The TSM-information model will be discussed under the following topics:
   empirical cycle, model description, similarities among classifications
   and applications.

2. Empirical Cycle

How can we find out what we want to know? What we want to learn about
something seems very allied with the way our personal data management
system functions.
Data represents the matter that "enters" an entity (a thing or living
creature) by movement, removal/(re)placement or transference.
All living creatures who are endowed with a brain spend a lifetime
managing data in the form of thoughts. Should we assume that data
management by the brain is as good as other biological body functions?
The answer is probably "yes", otherwise we would not exist. How do we
handle complex data? How do we manage to get rid of unimportant data
easily and quickly and maintain important data?
The data we handle seems to submit to a kind of classification.
Knowing how this classification functions is knowing how we think and
therefore knowing what we want to learn about something. This brings us
to the search for an information model which may have an existing natural
classification structure.
     Why do we want knowledge on such a model? A model with a natural
classification structure for information allows us to understand our
thoughts and means of expression more easily. A reliable information
model for classification can be helpful in finding, storing and
processing information, not only in our brains but in the search for
other information sources. With the help of a well-designed uniform model
with a classification structure, we can more easily and more exactly
distinguish the "participating" objects in time, space and matter and
strongly anchor our thoughts to reality.
     What is information? Information comprises all the relationships of
an object and therefore its meaning. Although we cannot know the essence
of an object, we can know the relationships an object has. All
relationships explain cause and consequence of an object. A special type
of relationship is interaction. Interaction means physical contact
between objects by displacement of (an) object/data from one object to
another. Interaction between objects can only take place in the transfer
from object to object. An object has meaning through the exchange of data
with its environment. In the living and non-living world we see data
transfer between objects as obvious, both in the animate (living) and
inanimate (non-living) world. For example, data are represented by a
ball, a person travelling or an object meant purely to act as a signal,
as in a structure with words, which shows cause and effect.
     Suppose we want to understand the meaning of an arbitrary
phenomenon. For convenience sake we describe a phenomenon as an
experienced whole confined by a certain period of time and space.
We can name a phenomenon with which we refer to a familiar reference
framework in one's memory or a piece of text.
The choice of a name is related to a number of permanent features with
which the phenomenon is defined.
Permanent features are meant here as permanent characteristics within
limited values.
     How do we describe a natural classification structure for
information? We may assume that natural selection has given us a
successful natural information system and is well-developed enough for
surviving in our environment. Therefore a natural classification
structure for information is likely to be an autodidactic system which
makes use of naturally assumed standard units.
Comparisons are made with the help of what we have learnt in the past
and how we have learnt it as a result of natural selection and individual
Briefly, we are continuously assigning values to experiences, i.e.
evaluating by making comparisons with what we already (think we) know.
The way in which we make comparisons can be expressed in a few fairly
simple and logical relationships.
     How can we find a natural classification structure for information?
One way is to take a historical point of view:
1) We can guess how we think without knowing what others have told us.
   Consequently, we cannot think in the units used in physics, but we can
   compare phenomena with directly observable phenomena in our direct
   current environment.
2) We can also can find indications in religious texts. By the way, the
   term "religion" originally meant continuous/repeated
   consideration/contemplation. Does this sound familiar? In learning, we
   continue to take as a starting point experience of and skill used in
   earlier attempts.
3) We can also investigate how the first human being might have thought.
   Some of the oldest histories and languages, e.g. Indo-Germanic, can
   give us indications of how people thought.

     What might we have found about a natural classification structure
for information?
1) In thinking we try to structure the information from our
   observations. These information structures serve as models for objects,
   distinguished by two terms: "thing" and "event". This poorly designed
   distinction is mainly indicative of our struggle to comprehend the
   world. Our restricted understanding of the world is closely related
   with the way we can observe, think and act. Some objects seem evident
   and others seem less evident or not evident at all. We name and define
   several objects, while we prefer only to describe other objects in
   terms of matter, space and time relationships. A special type of
   relationship is interaction, i.e. physical contact between objects by
   displacement of an object from one to another. Interaction between
   objects can only take place in transference from object to object.
2) A common feature in religion is the effort to elucidate and illustrate
  "concrete phenomena" and "abstract phenomena". We are no great
   investors in abstract phenomena from nature. Abstract phenomena can be
   described as phenomena with complicated relationships. Lives of humans
   and humankind reek of false approval and false disapproval. Objective
   information can contribute to a behaviour which is better understood.
   Understood behaviour needs no judgement, but rational thinking and
3) A striking phenomena in the Indo-Germanic language is the distinction
   - permanent (strong) objects and
   - temporary (weak)   objects.

The existence of objects seems to reflect an alternation between cause
and consequence in which we consider:
   - cause as the model for the consequence and
   - consequence as the model for the cause.
As thinking creatures we clearly experience our influence on the
world. We experience a strong alternation between our thoughts and the
world around us. Our thoughts can function as strong models for the more
concrete reality and vice versa. For many centuries a popular way to give
our thoughts more concrete meaning, force and a longer existence has been
by writing our thoughts down. Even very complicated, old and written
texts from afar can be read. Although written language can be very
powerful, nowadays radio, television and Internet can reach the same
public in the same time and space, with even more vivid images than
     So far we have encountered the following examples:
1) Distinction between:
   - clearly enough defined objects and
   - interactions between clearly enough defined objects.
2) Interactions as transferences of data between objects.
3) An object as a thing or a living creature. As thinking creatures we
can have a great influence in the creation of our world, but in
essence the interactions between objects simply consist of objects
moving between objects.
     What are the similarities between interactions? Interactions, as
distinct from the four successive stages of different phenomena named
below, have a permanent structure. For convenience sake we describe
moving objects as data. The successive stages (=phases) of data flows
make up a cycle. In the cases shown below the letter S stands for the
object concerned and the letter E for the environment of S. The sequence
of the data transference is uniform. Sometimes we can indicate a certain
object in the environment as being the principal contributor to the
interaction. In general:
S = Subject
E = Environment
1. Data transference from S to E                 = S->E
2. Data transference inside    E                 = E->E
3. Data transference from E to S                 = E->S
4. Data transference inside    S                 = S->S
Go along with the examples cited below as far as you can; total agreement
is not necessary since we are still in a discussion stage and not a
selection one.

This first example looks rather simple:

a) A volleyball game
   Upfield S + upfield E
   The ball is tossed up in a rally:
   1. From upfield S to upfield E                = S->E
   2. Above             upfield E                = E->E
   3. From upfield E to upfield S                = E->S
   4. Above             upfield S                = S->S
One clearly defined object, called the ball, is tossed up, within
and from two clearly defined objects, the fields.
In the next example the "flying" object has a more abstract form,
and the unit of data is called a "question" or an "answer":
b) Use of a DBMS (=database management system)
   User S + DBMS within E
   1. Transport   of question to   DBMS          = S->E
   2. Program-run of question in   DBMS          = E->E
   3. Transport   of answer   from DBMS          = E->S
   4. Use         of answer   from DBMS          = S->S
We sometimes first have to build the things we use:
c) Building/making a DBMS
   Builder S + DBMS within E
   1. Addition    of data to   DBMS              = S->E
   2. Mutation    of data in   DBMS              = E->E
   3. Elimination of data from DBMS              = E->S
   4. Collection  of data for  DBMS              = S->S
Note that the data in the two previous examples, are certainly
not unique, but only copies of data.
The moving objects are not always simple to indicate. For convenience
sake, in the following example we will call them nutrients :
d) The food cycle
   Plant S + Environment E
   1. Nutrition of plant to   environment        = S->E
   2. Growth             of   environment        = E->E
   3. Nutrition of plant from environment        = E->S
   4. Growth    of plant                         = S->S
We see here aspects of building and use. Moving objects can also lead to
damage and breakdown:
e) Transport of goods
   Subject S + Environment E
   1. Delivery from S & capture    in the environment        = S->E
   2. Construction    & demolition in the environment        = E->E
   3. Delivery from E & capture    inside subject        = E->S
   4. Construction    & demolition inside subject        = S->S
We can also consider the clearer information on moving objects between
two living creatures:
f) Observation
   Person S + a person in Environment E
   1. Expression of   S & observation    of E    = S->E
   2. Analysis        & synthesis inside of E    = E->E
   3. Expression of E & observation      of S    = E->S
   4. Analysis        & synthesis inside of S    = S->S
The information exchange can also be more specific.
g) A doctor's visit
   Patient S + doctor within E
   1. Patient informs    doctor:     anamnesis   = S->E
   2. Doctor  determines affliction: diagnosis   = E->E
   3. Doctor  informs    patient:    prognosis   = E->S
   4. Patient applies    treatment:  medication  = S->S
The objects in the environment with which the interaction takes
place may look diffuse. Suppose a person tries to learn something about
an object in the environment, a so-called learning object. The
environment may consist of:
- A person who informs us about the learning object;
- Models of the learning object, e.g. text form;
- Sometimes the real object itself;
- The influence of the person's body, in which also thoughts are
There are many possibilities in the environment and no clear object
can be confined to the  "who" or "what" (the essence of the person, the
brain and the thought) and the "what not". In the next few examples we
consider data related to the learning object. The four stages cannot be
clearly separated one from another in time, but do represent a manner of
action during learning.
The four stages also indicate the sequence of importance for each method
of action.
h) Attending a lecture
   Listener S + lecture within E
   1. Attention.       S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Introduction.    Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Explanation.     E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Conclusion.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
i) Reading a report
   Reader S + report within E
   1. Preface.         S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Introduction.    Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Argumentation.   E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Final word.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
So far there is no confusion about the person, who is only the
listener with respect to a lecture, or the reader with respect to a
report and takes no further action in dragging down or even
"rebuilding" the learning object, But we stated earlier that neither
could a clear object be confined to "whom" or what the essence of a
person, the brain or what the thought is, and what it is not?
Here we meet a new challenge for our abstract perceptive capacity.
Please try to imagine S as the centre for perceiving the learning object,
so that the rest of the person can be seen as being part of the
environment for helping to discover the identity and/or the
characteristics of the learning object. Therefore a student or
investigator functions partly as S and partly as E, which is not so
strange when you think of someone who examines his/her own body or body
j) Study
   Student S + study topic within E
   1. Motivation.      S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Schematics.      Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Elaboration.     E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Evaluation.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
k) Investigation method
   Investigator S + investigation-object within E
   1. Instruction.     S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Investigation.   Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Presentation.    E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Evaluation.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
And now for the final countdown in abstraction:  take a
dive into the so-called Transactional Analysis (T.A.)from psychology.
m) Transactional Analysis
   Person S + environment E
   1. ELDERLY     = conservative  behaviour      = S->E
   2. ENVIRONMENT = environment   behaviour      = E->E
   3. CHILD       = emotional     behaviour      = E->S
   4. ADULT       = rational      behaviour      = S->S
Note that we consider different types of behaviour here, each
with its own source as one stage in the cycle.
In Transaction psychiatry we are introduced to three types of behaviour:
- ELDERLY: with a disproportionate output as source of behaviour.
- CHILD:   with a disproportionate input  as source of behaviour.
- ADULT:   with a proportionate input, processing and output
           as source of behaviour.
The "source of behaviour" stages occur in this order:
1) When a person "behaves" in the environment, with very little
   regard for an individual's emotional input and hardly without
   thinking, but principally in conformance with actions learned, the
   person's behaviour is indicated as being "ELDERLY".
2) When a person does not "behave" in the environment, he/she has no
   interaction with it, so the environment behaves on
   its own. This stage does not represent a type of behaviour in T.A.
   because the person is not involved.
3) When a person "behaves" in an environment that is mainly
   controlled by an individual's emotional input and almost without
   thinking, the person's behaviour is indicated as being that of a
4) When a person "behaves" in the environment, proportionally
   controlled by thinking about the individual emotional input and
   actions learned, the person's behaviour is indicated as being "ADULT".
The term "behaves" can in each stage mean:
 - Receiving data from the environment.
 - Processing data within the person.
 - Sending data to the environment.
     Difference in the types of behaviour concern the source of
Each behaviour has its own benefits in different situations.
n) Comparison with the empirical cycle of De Groot (1961):
   Investigator S + investigation-object within E.
   The investication products are made in E, e.g. as a report
   or test-object.
   Note that the investigator also takes part in E.
   1. Observation.         S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Induction+deduction. Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Testing.             E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Evaluation.          Inside assimilation of S  = S->S

     The similarities in the above examples are described below:
1) With the exchange of data we can distinguish:
   - Subject, S, in living creatures as the unit of contemplation.
   - Environment, E, of subject S, in which S experiences an exchange of
     data. In all stages S and E remain the same.
2) Data exchange can be characterised by four types of data flow in stage
   1. Data flow from  inside subject S       to environment E.
   2. Data flow      outside subject S,  inside environment E.
   3. Data flow to    inside subject S     from environment E.
   4. Data flow       inside subject S, outside environment E.
3) In each stage we find the presence of:
   - A special source object A
   - A special reach object B
Source-object A and reach-object B are connected by the transferred
object C, which is matter with information aspects. The transference of
data (C) may be schematically proposed as:
   Object A  ---- Object C ----> Object B
The influence outside A, B, and C can be indicated with object D. A and B
can be contemplated as elements of subject S or environment E. Reach-
object B in one stage is the same as source-object A in the next stage.
     The next example illustrates the "investigation cycle", also called
the "scientific method". The same interaction can be applied between
investigator and investigation object (study object) for persons of all
ages. The cycle consists of four successive stages, in which stage 4
passes into stage 1. Stages are described below:
1) In the first stage we observe an action going from the
   motivated investigator to the study object in the environment. The
   investigator directs the attention to the study object and tries to
   get a  hold on it by seizing, catching, grasping, clutching and
   snatching. Motivation to investigate can be induced by a command,
   request or passion brought about by (a model of) the study object
   during the earlier stages, up to and including stage 4.
     Above we named stage 1 as Motivation.
   The motivation of S can be indicated as the will/desire/wish of S. The
   will of S is present in each stage, but is shown in different ways.
   The choice to name stage 1, Motivation, is arbitrary, just as the
   naming of all other stages. There are different ways of seizing a
   study object, e.g. by drawing away the attention of the study object,
   by physical contact or by letting it do it for you, e.g. through a
   teacher or other helper.
2) In the second stage the study object operates internally and at the
   same time is dependent on the way the study object is approximated.
   For example, a student-teacher can install a model, e.g. a scheme, of
   the study object.
   The investigator can also play a substantial role in dealing with
   the study object, we have encountered above, where it was stated that
   the investigator could be partly S or partly E.
3) In the third stage (models of) the study object is (are) focused on
   the investigator. The investigator directs attention to the study
   object with concentrated eye, ear, nose, taste or mind. For example, a
   student-teacher may present a model of the study object, for example,
   as a scheme.
4) In the fourth stage the investigator acts internally. The
   investigator evaluates the findings on the study object. A teacher can
   help audibly with the evaluation.

3. Model Description

The TSM-information model comprises a structure for classifying
information, in which TSM stands for TIME SPACE MATTER. The concept of
MATTER in the TSM-information model is NOT the "matter" concept in
physics, where matter is characterised by mass. In the TSM-information
model the unit of MATTER is contemplated as a phenomenon in the form of
an object, which can be either a thing or a living creature. So the unit
of MATTER is an object. While observing the object, we may notice that
the object:
- Remains the same or
- Changes.
     A change can always be reduced to a change of place. A change of
place can be:
- a change of place of (a part of) the contemplated object, which is
  called TIME  = T. This will means a transported object C in relation to
  object S.
- A change of place of the contemplator, which is called SPACE = S.
  This means an object in relation to transported object C.
TIME   = Change of MATTER at 1 location -> different moments.
SPACE  = Change of MATTER at 1 moment   -> different locations.
Change of MATTER does not necessary lead to another name of an
object. The name of an object depends on a whole body of characteristics.
The name of an object is characterised by a number of permanent values
for character, where a permanent character value is a value within the
value limits determining the object.
     The TSM-information model is a classification model for
information on the main classification of the three base quantities:
TIME, SPACE and MATTER. A base quantity is considered as a type of
relationship. Each base quantity has four different relationships with
respect to the direct environment of a contemplated object.
T) TIME: 4 stages
1 = transference of C from inside S to   outside S.
2 = transference of C                    outside S.
3 = transference of C into inside S from outside S
4 = transference of C      inside S.
R) SPACE: 4 objects
A =   Source-object of   the transported-object.
B =    Reach-object of   the transported-object.
C =                      The transported-object.
D = Involved-object with the transported object, but not A B or C.
M) MATTER: 4 objects
:=   = The observed   object.
:!   = The opposite   object of the observed object.
:<   = The fractional object of the observed object.
:>   = The enclosing  object of the observed object.

TIME and SPACE scheme:
       | S = Subject     | E = Environment |
       |                 |                 |
       |     A1/B4 -----C1---> A2/B1       |
       |                 |                 |
       |         ^       |     |           |
       |         |       |     |           |
       |        C4       |    C2           |
       |         |       |     |           |
       |         |       |     V           |
       |                 |                 |
       |     A4/B3 <-----C3---- A3/B2      |
       |                 |                 |
       |                 |                 |
T = Relation of object C              to object S
S = Relation of object A  B  C  or D  to object C
M = Relation of object := :! :< or :> to object := and vice versa.

Notes on TIME
- It may be convenient or relevant to describe all four stages or
  alternatively, to describe fewer stages, just describing or naming the
  inside or outside stages in which C may be converted to another C. For
  instance, in a data-flow scheme it is not always relevant to describe the
  internal transference, but only the change in C.
- If the transported object C is changed somewhere, C can be regarded as
  object S in another context, with its own four stages.

Notes on SPACE
- Objects A and B can be regarded as objects of S and/or E.

Notes on MATTER
- It is also possible to observe the total collection/compilation of
  objects as one object. The classification structure remains the same.
- The classification of MATTER can be regarded as a classification
  according to one or more  characteristics/properties/features of an
- The token ":" in MATTER is applied to distinguish the meaning of
  := :! :> :< from = ! > < tokens.
- In the classification of MATTER there seems to be no place for
  "overlap".  However, "overlap" is found in the relationships between
  different objects that belong to the relationship :< , namely the
  elements (congener) of an object.
- Example: a volleyball game between two teams.
  According to M:
   := Team with name Brazil.
   :! Opponent team with name Bolivia.
   :< Every player of the Brazil team.
   :> All participating teams in the tournament.
- TIME   can be classified with four stages, each with a SPACE
- SPACE  can be classified with four spatial objects, each with a MATTER
- MATTER can be classified with four matter objects.
- Each object can have a TIME construction.
- Cycles have links by sharing the same object.

4. Similarities in the classifications

TIME  can be contemplated as change of MATTER within the same space.
SPACE can be contemplated as change of MATTER within the same time. In
other words, TIME is recognised when an observation space is not moved
and the observer becomes aware of other MATTER. SPACE is recognised
when an observation time stands still and the observer becomes aware of
other MATTER. Notice the similarities between the classifications of TIME
SPACE and MATTER. The differences concern the objects in each
relationship and the similarities concern the four relationships.
Differences in objects:
TIME   = Relation of object C           to object S
SPACE  = Relation of object C           to object A B C D
MATTER = Relation of object := :! :< :> to object := and vice versa
Similarities in relationships: Each relationship is concerned with 2
objects in 2 positions:
- position 1 = before the change of MATTER.
- position 2 =  after the change of MATTER.
The relationship of one object to the other object is indicated by the

Quantity   Position           Relationship =
                            Object <-> Object
TIME              1              C <-> S
                  2              C <-> S
SPACE             1              C <-> A B C D
                  2              C <-> A B C D
MATTER            1   := :! :< :>  <-> :=
                  2   :=           <-> := :! :< :>

Explanation of the symbols and abbreviations in the next table:
   ^     = internal transference
   >     = transference of the first object to the next
   I-O =  INSIDE with respect to OUTSIDE
   O-O = OUTSIDE with respect to OUTSIDE
   O-I = OUTSIDE with respect to  INSIDE
   I-I =  INSIDE with respect to  INSIDE

   Relation   I-O     O-O     O-I     I-I
   TIME       S>E      E^     E>S      S^
   SPACE        A       D       B       C
   MATTER      :<      :!      :>      :=

The TSM-classification structure might be put in a nutshell as a question
(for living creatures):
A value (quantity + unit) is:
- Less                (I-O)
- Different           (O-O) (different unit)
- Greater             (O-I)
- Equal               (I-I)

5. Applications

All cycles can be described according to the TSM-information Model. This
model can serve as an aid in indicating the characteristics always
present while observing an object. The TSM-information model is
infinitive, extendable in time, space, and matter. The TSM-information
model can be used for:
- Computer programs
- Computer program menus
- Databases
- Recipes
- Prescriptions
- Lectures
- Schemes
- Reports
- Definitions
- Data-flow schemes

email: HF.Prins at
-------------- next part --------------
The TSM-information model  
The TSM-information model (version 4 March 2001) is a hypothetical
symmetrical classification structure which I built myself  for 
application to data transfer.
It is based on time, space and matter.
The most basic information classification structure can be compiled into
this one simple symmetrical uniform model, in which each separate
quantity is broken down into four relationships, all of the same type.
With this model it is possible, for example, to demonstrate how a ball
game can stand model for the food cycle, a scientific study, the
interaction with a computer or logistics.
I would appreciate comments by experts on this model.
Although I have constructed the TSM-information model on my own
initiative, I believe it to be well-founded.
Readers are invited to comment on the classification structure presented. 

1. Introduction

Before constructing the TSM-information model, I searched the literature, 
but did not encounter other information models showing the same highly 
plausible structure. 
The TSM-model may be compared with the empirical cycle (De Groot 1961).
My most recent inquiries included the following:
1) Is the TSM-information model plausible?
2) What is the difference between the TSM-information model and 
   comparable models?
3) Can the TSM-information model be improved? 
   The TSM-information model will be discussed under the following topics: 
   empirical cycle, model description, similarities among classifications 
   and applications.

2. Empirical Cycle

How can we find out what we want to know? What we want to learn about 
something seems very allied with the way our personal data management 
system functions.
Data represents the matter that "enters" an entity (a thing or living 
creature) by movement, removal/(re)placement or transference.
All living creatures who are endowed with a brain spend a lifetime 
managing data in the form of thoughts. Should we assume that data 
management by the brain is as good as other biological body functions? 
The answer is probably “yes”, otherwise we would not exist. How do we 
handle complex data? How do we manage to get rid of unimportant data 
easily and quickly and maintain important data?
The data we handle seems to submit to a kind of classification. 
Knowing how this classification functions is knowing how we think and 
therefore knowing what we want to learn about something. This brings us 
to the search for an information model which may have an existing natural 
classification structure.
	Why do we want knowledge on such a model? A model with a natural 
classification structure for information allows us to understand our 
thoughts and means of expression more easily. A reliable information 
model for classification can be helpful in finding, storing and 
processing information, not only in our brains but in the search for 
other information sources. With the help of a well-designed uniform model 
with a classification structure, we can more easily and more exactly 
distinguish the “participating” objects in time, space and matter and 
strongly anchor our thoughts to reality.
	What is information? Information comprises all the relationships of 
an object and therefore its meaning. Although we cannot know the essence 
of an object, we can know the relationships an object has. All 
relationships explain cause and consequence of an object. A special type 
of relationship is interaction. Interaction means physical contact 
between objects by displacement of (an) object/data from one object to 
another. Interaction between objects can only take place in the transfer 
from object to object. An object has meaning through the exchange of data 
with its environment. In the living and non-living world we see data 
transfer between objects as obvious, both in the animate (living) and 
inanimate (non-living) world. For example, data are represented by a 
ball, a person travelling or an object meant purely to act as a signal, 
as in a structure with words, which shows cause and effect.
	Suppose we want to understand the meaning of an arbitrary 
phenomenon. For convenience sake we describe a phenomenon as an 
experienced whole confined by a certain period of time and space. 
We can name a phenomenon with which we refer to a familiar reference 
framework in one's memory or a piece of text. 
The choice of a name is related to a number of permanent features with 
which the phenomenon is defined. 
Permanent features are meant here as permanent characteristics within 
limited values.
	How do we describe a natural classification structure for
information? We may assume that natural selection has given us a 
successful natural information system and is well-developed enough for
surviving in our environment. Therefore a natural classification 
structure for information is likely to be an autodidactic system which 
makes use of naturally assumed standard units. 
Comparisons are made with the help of what we have learnt in the past 
and how we have learnt it as a result of natural selection and individual 
Briefly, we are continuously assigning values to experiences, i.e. 
evaluating by making comparisons with what we already (think we) know. 
The way in which we make comparisons can be expressed in a few fairly 
simple and logical relationships.
	How can we find a natural classification structure for information? 
One way is to take a historical point of view:
1) We can guess how we think without knowing what others have told us. 
   Consequently, we cannot think in the units used in physics, but we can 
   compare phenomena with directly observable phenomena in our direct 
   current environment.
2) We can also can find indications in religious texts. By the way, the 
   term “religion” originally meant continuous/repeated 
   consideration/contemplation. Does this sound familiar? In learning, we 
   continue to take as a starting point experience of and skill used in 
   earlier attempts.
3) We can also investigate how the first human being might have thought. 
   Some of the oldest histories and languages, e.g. Indo-Germanic, can 
   give us indications of how people thought.
	What might we have found about a natural classification structure 
for information?
1) In thinking we try to structure the information from our
   observations. These information structures serve as models for objects, 
   distinguished by two terms: “thing” and “event”. This poorly designed 
   distinction is mainly indicative of our struggle to comprehend the 
   world. Our restricted understanding of the world is closely related 
   with the way we can observe, think and act. Some objects seem evident 
   and others seem less evident or not evident at all. We name and define 
   several objects, while we prefer only to describe other objects in 
   terms of matter, space and time relationships. A special type of 
   relationship is interaction, i.e. physical contact between objects by 
   displacement of an object from one to another. Interaction between 
   objects can only take place in transference from object to object.
2) A common feature in religion is the effort to elucidate and illustrate 
  “concrete phenomena” and “abstract phenomena”. We are no great 
   investors in abstract phenomena from nature. Abstract phenomena can be 
   described as phenomena with complicated relationships. Lives of humans 
   and humankind reek of false approval and false disapproval. Objective 
   information can contribute to a behaviour which is better understood. 
   Understood behaviour needs no judgement, but rational thinking and 
3) A striking phenomena in the Indo-Germanic language is the distinction 
   - permanent (strong) objects and
   - temporary (weak)   objects.

The existence of objects seems to reflect an alternation between cause 
and consequence in which we consider:
   - cause as the model for the consequence and
   - consequence as the model for the cause.
As thinking creatures we clearly experience our influence on the 
world. We experience a strong alternation between our thoughts and the 
world around us. Our thoughts can function as strong models for the more 
concrete reality and vice versa. For many centuries a popular way to give 
our thoughts more concrete meaning, force and a longer existence has been 
by writing our thoughts down. Even very complicated, old and written 
texts from afar can be read. Although written language can be very 
powerful, nowadays radio, television and Internet can reach the same 
public in the same time and space, with even more vivid images than 
	So far we have encountered the following examples:
1) Distinction between:
   - clearly enough defined objects and
   - interactions between clearly enough defined objects.
2) Interactions as transferences of data between objects.
3) An object as a thing or a living creature. As thinking creatures we 
can have a great influence in the creation of our world, but in 
essence the interactions between objects simply consist of objects 
moving between objects.
	What are the similarities between interactions? Interactions, as 
distinct from the four successive stages of different phenomena named 
below, have a permanent structure. For convenience sake we describe 
moving objects as data. The successive stages (=phases) of data flows 
make up a cycle. In the cases shown below the letter S stands for the 
object concerned and the letter E for the environment of S. The sequence 
of the data transference is uniform. Sometimes we can indicate a certain 
object in the environment as being the principal contributor to the 
interaction. In general:
S = Subject
E = Environment
1. Data transference from S to E                 = S->E
2. Data transference inside    E                 = E->E
3. Data transference from E to S                 = E->S
4. Data transference inside    S                 = S->S
Go along with the examples cited below as far as you can; total agreement 
is not necessary since we are still in a discussion stage and not a 
selection one.

This first example looks rather simple:

a) A volleyball game
   Upfield S + upfield E
   The ball is tossed up in a rally:
   1. From upfield S to upfield E                = S->E
   2. Above             upfield E                = E->E
   3. From upfield E to upfield S                = E->S
   4. Above             upfield S                = S->S
One clearly defined object, called the ball, is tossed up, within
and from two clearly defined objects, the fields.
In the next example the "flying" object has a more abstract form,
and the unit of data is called a "question" or an "answer":
b) Use of a DBMS (=database management system)
   User S + DBMS within E
   1. Transport   of question to   DBMS          = S->E
   2. Program-run of question in   DBMS          = E->E
   3. Transport   of answer   from DBMS          = E->S
   4. Use         of answer   from DBMS          = S->S
We sometimes first have to build the things we use:
c) Building/making a DBMS
   Builder S + DBMS within E
   1. Addition    of data to   DBMS              = S->E
   2. Mutation    of data in   DBMS              = E->E
   3. Elimination of data from DBMS              = E->S
   4. Collection  of data for  DBMS              = S->S
Note that the data in the two previous examples, are certainly
not unique, but only copies of data.
The moving objects are not always simple to indicate. For convenience 
sake, in the following example we will call them nutrients :
d) The food cycle
   Plant S + Environment E
   1. Nutrition of plant to   environment        = S->E
   2. Growth             of   environment        = E->E
   3. Nutrition of plant from environment        = E->S
   4. Growth    of plant                         = S->S
We see here aspects of building and use. Moving objects can also lead to 
damage and breakdown:
e) Transport of goods
   Subject S + Environment E
   1. Delivery from S & capture    in the environment		= S->E
   2. Construction    & demolition in the environment      	= E->E
   3. Delivery from E & capture    inside subject	      = E->S
   4. Construction    & demolition inside subject	      = S->S
We can also consider the clearer information on moving objects between 
two living creatures:
f) Observation
   Person S + a person in Environment E
   1. Expression of   S & observation    of E    = S->E
   2. Analysis        & synthesis inside of E    = E->E
   3. Expression of E & observation      of S    = E->S
   4. Analysis        & synthesis inside of S    = S->S
The information exchange can also be more specific.
g) A doctor's visit
   Patient S + doctor within E
   1. Patient informs    doctor:     anamnesis   = S->E
   2. Doctor  determines affliction: diagnosis   = E->E
   3. Doctor  informs    patient:    prognosis   = E->S
   4. Patient applies    treatment:  medication  = S->S
The objects in the environment with which the interaction takes
place may look diffuse. Suppose a person tries to learn something about 
an object in the environment, a so-called learning object. The 
environment may consist of:
- A person who informs us about the learning object;
- Models of the learning object, e.g. text form;
- Sometimes the real object itself;
- The influence of the person's body, in which also thoughts are
There are many possibilities in the environment and no clear object 
can be confined to the  "who" or "what" (the essence of the person, the 
brain and the thought) and the “what not”. In the next few examples we 
consider data related to the learning object. The four stages cannot be 
clearly separated one from another in time, but do represent a manner of 
action during learning.
The four stages also indicate the sequence of importance for each method 
of action.
h) Attending a lecture
   Listener S + lecture within E
   1. Attention.       S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Introduction.    Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Explanation.     E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Conclusion.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
i) Reading a report
   Reader S + report within E
   1. Preface.         S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Introduction.    Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Argumentation.   E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Final word.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
So far there is no confusion about the person, who is only the
listener with respect to a lecture, or the reader with respect to a
report and takes no further action in dragging down or even
"rebuilding" the learning object, But we stated earlier that neither 
could a clear object be confined to “whom” or what the essence of a 
person, the brain or what the thought is, and what it is not?
Here we meet a new challenge for our abstract perceptive capacity. 
Please try to imagine S as the centre for perceiving the learning object, 
so that the rest of the person can be seen as being part of the 
environment for helping to discover the identity and/or the 
characteristics of the learning object. Therefore a student or 
investigator functions partly as S and partly as E, which is not so 
strange when you think of someone who examines his/her own body or body 
j) Study
   Student S + study topic within E
   1. Motivation.      S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Schematics.      Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Elaboration.     E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Evaluation.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
k) Investigation method
   Investigator S + investigation-object within E
   1. Instruction.     S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Investigation.   Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Presentation.    E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Evaluation.      Inside assimilation of S  = S->S
And now for the final countdown in abstraction:  take a
dive into the so-called Transactional Analysis (T.A.)from psychology.
m) Transactional Analysis
   Person S + environment E
   1. ELDERLY     = conservative  behaviour      = S->E
   2. ENVIRONMENT = environment   behaviour      = E->E
   3. CHILD       = emotional     behaviour      = E->S
   4. ADULT       = rational      behaviour      = S->S
Note that we consider different types of behaviour here, each
with its own source as one stage in the cycle.
In Transaction psychiatry we are introduced to three types of behaviour:
- ELDERLY: with a disproportionate output as source of behaviour.
- CHILD:   with a disproportionate input  as source of behaviour.
- ADULT:   with a proportionate input, processing and output 
           as source of behaviour.
The “source of behaviour” stages occur in this order:
1) When a person "behaves" in the environment, with very little
   regard for an individual’s emotional input and hardly without
   thinking, but principally in conformance with actions learned, the
   person's behaviour is indicated as being "ELDERLY".
2) When a person does not “behave” in the environment, he/she has no
   interaction with it, so the environment behaves on
   its own. This stage does not represent a type of behaviour in T.A.
   because the person is not involved.
3) When a person "behaves" in an environment that is mainly
   controlled by an individual’s emotional input and almost without
   thinking, the person's behaviour is indicated as being that of a    
4) When a person "behaves" in the environment, proportionally
   controlled by thinking about the individual emotional input and 
   actions learned, the person's behaviour is indicated as being "ADULT". 
The term “behaves” can in each stage mean:
 - Receiving data from the environment.
 - Processing data within the person.
 - Sending data to the environment.
	Difference in the types of behaviour concern the source of 
Each behaviour has its own benefits in different situations. 
n) Comparison with the empirical cycle of De Groot (1961):
   Investigator S + investigation-object within E.
   The investication products are made in E, e.g. as a report
   or test-object. 
   Note that the investigator also takes part in E.
   1. Observation.         S stimulates E            = S->E
   2. Induction+deduction. Inside assimilation of E  = E->E
   3. Testing.             E stimulates S            = E->S
   4. Evaluation.          Inside assimilation of S  = S->S

	The similarities in the above examples are described below:
1) With the exchange of data we can distinguish:
   - Subject, S, in living creatures as the unit of contemplation.
   - Environment, E, of subject S, in which S experiences an exchange of 
     data. In all stages S and E remain the same.
2) Data exchange can be characterised by four types of data flow in stage 
   1. Data flow from  inside subject S       to environment E.
   2. Data flow      outside subject S,  inside environment E.
   3. Data flow to    inside subject S     from environment E.
   4. Data flow       inside subject S, outside environment E.
3) In each stage we find the presence of:
   - A special source object A
   - A special reach object B
Source-object A and reach-object B are connected by the transferred 
object C, which is matter with information aspects. The transference of 
data (C) may be schematically proposed as:
   Object A  ---- Object C ----> Object B
The influence outside A, B, and C can be indicated with object D. A and B 
can be contemplated as elements of subject S or environment E. Reach-
object B in one stage is the same as source-object A in the next stage.
	The next example illustrates the "investigation cycle", also called 
the "scientific method". The same interaction can be applied between 
investigator and investigation object (study object) for persons of all 
ages. The cycle consists of four successive stages, in which stage 4 
passes into stage 1. Stages are described below:
1) In the first stage we observe an action going from the
   motivated investigator to the study object in the environment. The 
   investigator directs the attention to the study object and tries to 
   get a  hold on it by seizing, catching, grasping, clutching and 
   snatching. Motivation to investigate can be induced by a command, 
   request or passion brought about by (a model of) the study object 
   during the earlier stages, up to and including stage 4.
	Above we named stage 1 as Motivation. 
   The motivation of S can be indicated as the will/desire/wish of S. The 
   will of S is present in each stage, but is shown in different ways. 
   The choice to name stage 1, Motivation, is arbitrary, just as the 
   naming of all other stages. There are different ways of seizing a 
   study object, e.g. by drawing away the attention of the study object, 
   by physical contact or by letting it do it for you, e.g. through a 
   teacher or other helper.
2) In the second stage the study object operates internally and at the 
   same time is dependent on the way the study object is approximated. 
   For example, a student-teacher can install a model, e.g. a scheme, of 
   the study object.
   The investigator can also play a substantial role in dealing with 
   the study object, we have encountered above, where it was stated that 
   the investigator could be partly S or partly E.
3) In the third stage (models of) the study object is (are) focused on 
   the investigator. The investigator directs attention to the study 
   object with concentrated eye, ear, nose, taste or mind. For example, a 
   student-teacher may present a model of the study object, for example, 
   as a scheme.
4) In the fourth stage the investigator acts internally. The 
   investigator evaluates the findings on the study object. A teacher can 
   help audibly with the evaluation.

3. Model Description

The TSM-information model comprises a structure for classifying 
information, in which TSM stands for TIME SPACE MATTER. The concept of 
MATTER in the TSM-information model is NOT the "matter" concept in 
physics, where matter is characterised by mass. In the TSM-information 
model the unit of MATTER is contemplated as a phenomenon in the form of 
an object, which can be either a thing or a living creature. So the unit 
of MATTER is an object. While observing the object, we may notice that 
the object:
- Remains the same or
- Changes.
	A change can always be reduced to a change of place. A change of 
place can be:
- a change of place of (a part of) the contemplated object, which is                   
  called TIME  = T. This will means a transported object C in relation to 
  object S.
- A change of place of the contemplator, which is called SPACE = S.
  This means an object in relation to transported object C.
TIME   = Change of MATTER at 1 location -> different moments.
SPACE  = Change of MATTER at 1 moment   -> different locations.
Change of MATTER does not necessary lead to another name of an
object. The name of an object depends on a whole body of characteristics.
The name of an object is characterised by a number of permanent values 
for character, where a permanent character value is a value within the 
value limits determining the object.
	The TSM-information model is a classification model for
information on the main classification of the three base quantities: 
TIME, SPACE and MATTER. A base quantity is considered as a type of 
relationship. Each base quantity has four different relationships with 
respect to the direct environment of a contemplated object.
T) TIME: 4 stages
1 = transference of C from inside S to   outside S.
2 = transference of C                    outside S.
3 = transference of C into inside S from outside S
4 = transference of C      inside S.
R) SPACE: 4 objects
A =   Source-object of   the transported-object.
B =    Reach-object of   the transported-object.
C =                      The transported-object.
D = Involved-object with the transported object, but not A B or C.
M) MATTER: 4 objects
:=   = The observed   object.
:!   = The opposite   object of the observed object.
:<   = The fractional object of the observed object.
:>   = The enclosing  object of the observed object.

TIME and SPACE scheme:
       | S = Subject     | E = Environment |
       |                 |                 |
       |     A1/B4 -----C1---> A2/B1       |
       |                 |                 |
       |         ^       |     |           |
       |         |       |     |           |
       |        C4       |    C2           |
       |         |       |     |           |
       |         |       |     V           |
       |                 |                 |
       |     A4/B3 <-----C3---- A3/B2      |
       |                 |                 |
       |                 |                 |
T = Relation of object C              to object S
S = Relation of object A  B  C  or D  to object C
M = Relation of object := :! :< or :> to object := and vice versa.

Notes on TIME
- It may be convenient or relevant to describe all four stages or 
  alternatively, to describe fewer stages, just describing or naming the 
  inside or outside stages in which C may be converted to another C. For 
  instance, in a data-flow scheme it is not always relevant to describe the 
  internal transference, but only the change in C.
- If the transported object C is changed somewhere, C can be regarded as 
  object S in another context, with its own four stages.

Notes on SPACE
- Objects A and B can be regarded as objects of S and/or E.

Notes on MATTER
- It is also possible to observe the total collection/compilation of 
  objects as one object. The classification structure remains the same.
- The classification of MATTER can be regarded as a classification 
  according to one or more  characteristics/properties/features of an 
- The token “:” in MATTER is applied to distinguish the meaning of
  := :! :> :< from = ! > < tokens.
- In the classification of MATTER there seems to be no place for 
  "overlap".  However, "overlap" is found in the relationships between  
  different objects that belong to the relationship :< , namely the 
  elements (congener) of an object.
- Example: a volleyball game between two teams.
  According to M:
   := Team with name Brazil.
   :! Opponent team with name Bolivia.
   :< Every player of the Brazil team.
   :> All participating teams in the tournament.
- TIME   can be classified with four stages, each with a SPACE 
- SPACE  can be classified with four spatial objects, each with a MATTER 
- MATTER can be classified with four matter objects.
- Each object can have a TIME construction.
- Cycles have links by sharing the same object.

4. Similarities in the classifications

TIME  can be contemplated as change of MATTER within the same space.
SPACE can be contemplated as change of MATTER within the same time. In 
other words, TIME is recognised when an observation space is not moved 
and the observer becomes aware of other MATTER. SPACE is recognised 
when an observation time stands still and the observer becomes aware of 
other MATTER. Notice the similarities between the classifications of TIME 
SPACE and MATTER. The differences concern the objects in each 
relationship and the similarities concern the four relationships.
Differences in objects: 
TIME   = Relation of object C           to object S
SPACE  = Relation of object C           to object A B C D
MATTER = Relation of object := :! :< :> to object := and vice versa
Similarities in relationships: Each relationship is concerned with 2 
objects in 2 positions:
- position 1 = before the change of MATTER.
- position 2 =  after the change of MATTER.
The relationship of one object to the other object is indicated by the 

Quantity   Position   		Relationship =
                            Object <-> Object
TIME              1              C <-> S
                  2              C <-> S
SPACE             1              C <-> A B C D
                  2              C <-> A B C D
MATTER            1   := :! :< :>  <-> :=
                  2   :=           <-> := :! :< :>

Explanation of the symbols and abbreviations in the next table:
   ^     = internal transference
   >     = transference of the first object to the next
   I-O =  INSIDE with respect to OUTSIDE
   O-O = OUTSIDE with respect to OUTSIDE
   O-I = OUTSIDE with respect to  INSIDE
   I-I =  INSIDE with respect to  INSIDE

   Relation   I-O     O-O     O-I     I-I
   TIME       S>E      E^     E>S      S^
   SPACE        A       D       B       C
   MATTER      :<      :!      :>      :=

The TSM-classification structure might be put in a nutshell as a question 
(for living creatures):
A value (quantity + unit) is:
- Less                (I-O)
- Different           (O-O) (different unit)
- Greater             (O-I)
- Equal               (I-I)

5. Applications

All cycles can be described according to the TSM-information Model. This 
model can serve as an aid in indicating the characteristics always 
present while observing an object. The TSM-information model is 
infinitive, extendable in time, space, and matter. The TSM-information 
model can be used for:
- Computer programs
- Computer program menus
- Databases
- Recipes
- Prescriptions
- Lectures
- Schemes
- Reports
- Definitions
- Data-flow schemes

email: HF.Prins at

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