Job announcement: Language processing

vanvalin at ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU vanvalin at ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU
Thu Sep 20 19:32:27 UTC 2001

Linguistics Department
University at Buffalo
The State University of New York

The Department of Linguistics at the University at Buffalo, anticipates
filling a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, which
would begin September 1, 2002.  We are looking for a specialist in the
study of language processing, especially sentence or discourse
processing, and computational linguistics.  We are interested in someone
who investigates language processing empirically and models it
computationally.  The department has a strong cognitive-science focus,
with broad theoretical diversity.  The successful applicant will be
expected to contribute to Cognitive Science at UB.  S/he will be expected
to teach introductory and advanced courses at the undergraduate and
graduate levels.   Publications and teaching experience are highly
desirable.  Review of applications will begin December, 1, 2001;
applications will be accepted until position is filled.  Applicants
should send CV, letter of application, names of three references, and
samples of their work to Language Processing Search Committee, Department
of Linguistics, 609 Baldy Hall, University at Buffalo, The State
University of New York, Buffalo NY 14260-1030 USA.  Ph.D. must be
completed by September 1, 2002. The University at Buffalo is an Equal
Opportunity Employer/Recruiter.

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