Call for papers for MEASURING LEXICAL VARIATION AND CHANGE - A Symposium on Quantitative Sociolexicology
Stefan Grondelaers
stefan.grondelaers at ARTS.KULEUVEN.AC.BE
Tue Apr 23 18:17:24 UTC 2002
Apologies for multiple postings
Call for papers
A Symposium on Quantitative Sociolexicology
University of Leuven, Belgium
October 24-25, 2002
Organised by the research unit Quantitative lexicology and variational
linguistics of the University of Leuven
Made possible by the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (FWO)
(Onderzoeksgemeenschap Cognitieve Linguïstiek)
This workshop intends to bring together those researchers in the field of
variational lexicology and diachronic vocabulary studies that use
quantitative methods. Although such methods have been used less intensively
in the study of lexical variation and change than they have been employed
in the field of phonetics, morphology, or other linguistic variables, there
is a growing body of quantitative research on the distribution of words
over language varieties and the diffusion of lexical changes over time. The
symposium intends to create a forum for the confrontation and the
comparison of the different approaches involved.
Structure & schedule
The workshop will take place on Thursday October 24 and Friday October 25,
and it will consist of 5 plenary sessions (1 hour) and a limited number of
regular sessions (40).
Invited speakers include:
Nigel Armstrong (University of Leeds)
Harald Baayen (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen &
University of Nijmegen)
John Nerbonne (University of Groningen)
Terttu Nevalainen (University of Helsinki)
In order to ensure a highly focused event with maximal interaction between
the participants, the number of regular presentations will be limited to 15
at most, and there will be no parallel sessions.
If you are interested in presenting a lecture at the symposium, please
submit a one page abstract by June 1 at the latest. Notification of
acceptance will follow by June 15.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically to Dirk Geeraerts, Stefan
Grondelaers & Dirk Speelman at the following address:
sociolex at
Relevant topics include:
1. Lexical standardization and the diffusion of standard vocabularies
2. The lexicon in pluricentric languages
3. Lexical innovation, lexical loss, and the rate of vocabulary change
4. Lexical dialectometry and stylometry
5. The relationship between lexical and non-lexical variables as markers of
language varieties
6. Empirical methods (corpus analysis, statistical techniques) for studying
lexical variation and change
You may focus either on past research in connection with the workshop
theme, or introduce new data or methodologies pertaining to the theme.
Observe that the topic of the conference is to be taken in a prototypical
sense. We are primarily interested in studies that combine three features:
a lexical focus, a quantitative method, and a variational or diachronic
perspective. Time permitting, however, we may accommodate papers that
combine just a few of these features, like quantitative studies of
variation and change that are not primarily lexical, or diachronic and
variational lexical studies that do not employ quantitative methods.
Additional information
Information about the organisers, the conference venue, and accommodation &
fees can be found at our conference website
Dirk Geeraerts - Stefan Grondelaers - Dirk Speelman
Research unit Quantitative lexicology and variational linguistics
Department of Linguistics
University of Leuven
Blijde-Inkomststraat 21
B-3000 Leuven
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