Invitation to Apply

Jacqueline Arrol-Barker info at
Fri Aug 2 09:43:14 UTC 2002

Dear all

The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme has just
published its first invitation to apply for funding.  Full details of
the programme and application forms are available on the ELDP web page

For information I attach and have pasted below the text of the invitation to
apply document, I should be grateful if you would disseminate the existence
of this
programme as widely as possible.  The deadline for submission of
preliminary applications is the 11th October 2002.

Please direct any queries to myself (contact details below) or my
colleague Mrs Maureen Gaskin 020 7898 4022 mailto:m.gaskin at

Many thanks

Jacqueline Arrol-Barker

mailto:j.arrolbarker at

Mrs Jacqueline Arrol-Barker
Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
SOAS, Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
United Kingdom

Tel +44 (0)20 7898 4021
Fax +44 (0)20 7898 4199

Prelim Invitation 2002

A.      A new programme for the documentation of endangered languages.

1          The Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund has initiated a programme of
to support the documentation of endangered languages, and has appointed the
School of Oriental & African Studies, London University [SOAS] to administer
the programme.

2          The general rationale of such a programme will be familiar to
applicants:  the pace at which languages are becoming extinct is increasing
throughout the world.  Furthermore, since only about one-third of the world’
s languages have literate traditions, the vast majority of languages which
die will leave no substantial record of themselves, or the cultural
traditions that they have sustained.  Quite apart from the loss of
individual cultural expressions, this process reflects a grave diminution in
human and cultural diversity and a loss of the knowledge on which they are
based and which they embody.

3          The objective of the present programme is twofold:  to encourage
development of linguistic fieldwork in endangered languages, especially by
younger scholars with a grounding in linguistic theory, who will thereby
also be provided with support between basic graduate work and the possible
assumption of university positions;  and to support the documentation of as
many threatened languages as possible, focused on where the danger of
extinction is greatest, facilitating the preservation of culture and
knowledge, and creating repositories of data for the linguistic and social
sciences, and of course for indigenous communities. Such documentation
should, therefore, have regard not only to the formal content and structure
of languages, but also to the varied social and cultural contexts within
which languages are used.  In addition to the intellectual quality of
applications, principal grounds for support will be the degree of
endangerment, the urgency of the issues, and the extent to which the grant
promises to develop expertise in as well as knowledge of field linguistics
and endangered languages.

Please address any enquiries to:

The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
School of Oriental and African Studies
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG, UK

Mrs Jacqueline Arrol-Barker                                    Mrs Maureen
Documentation Programme Manager                                Research
Grants Administrator
Tel: 020 7898 4021                                             Tel: 020 7898
email j.arrolbarker at <mailto:j.arrolbarker at
email m.gaskin at mailto:m.gaskin at>

B.      How the programme operates:  general procedures and

Who can apply?
4            Applications are invited from researchers with qualifications
linguistics, including the potential for or experience of field linguistics.
Projects may be undertaken by research teams or individuals (including
suitably qualified graduate students).  As a truly international programme,
there is no restriction on either the nationality of applicants or the
region(s) where the proposed documentation research is to be undertaken.

Are any institutional links required?
5          In all instances the applicant(s) should have, or be in a
position to
develop, a formal link with a university or comparable research institution.
The university/research institution will be expected to administer the
grant, be responsible for its proper expenditure, and submit regular and
authenticated accounts of the expenditure.

What types of grants are available?
6          The core of the programme will be grants to support projects for
documentation of individual or closely related endangered languages.  The
three main types grants will be: Postdoctoral Fellowships, Graduate
Studentships and Major Documentation Projects.

6.1            Postdoctoral Fellowship applications will be entertained from
individuals seeking their own support costs for up to two years (or if
adequately justified, three years) duration.  In addition to fieldwork
costs, salary costs for the period may be sought.  It is anticipated that
all postdoctoral fellowship applicants will be academically junior and/or
young researchers.

6.2              Graduate Studentship applications will be entertained from
individuals seeking their own support costs for up to two years (or if
adequately justified, three years) duration.  In addition to field trip
costs, a stipend may be sought to cover the period whilst undertaking field
research and processing the results.  Support is only available to
individuals who (at the time the award is due to commence) will have
successfully completed appropriate graduate training extending over at least
one year.

6.3            Major Documentation Project applications by an established
principal investigators will be entertained. Such applications could involve
a number of elements including fieldwork, salary costs of one or more
researchers and stipend costs of graduate students (while engaged in the
field and processing work) whose doctoral work will contribute to the
project as a whole.  Applicants may request support for between 6 months and
three years.  In exceptional cases support for four years may be considered.
Applications for small as well as fairly large grants will be considered.

7.         In addition to the three main types of grant, two further types
of grant may, in
exceptional circumstances, be considered: Field trips and Pilot Projects.

7.1            Field trip applications may be submitted for relatively brief
trips – between 6 and 12 months duration.  In such cases, preliminary or
supplementary research should very substantially prepare for or advance the
documentation of a language or languages which are either closely related to
languages already well documented or which themselves have already been the
subject of substantial documentation.

7.2            Pilot Project applications may be submitted for the purposes
of assessing and demonstrating the feasibility of a larger project.  The
duration should be between 6 –12 months and field trips will normally be

8          It is expected that for each of the three main types of grants
outlined in
paragraph 6 above, at least a survey grammar and dictionary will be
produced, where these do not already exist (see paragraph 15.3(c) in the
Invitation to submit a detailed application, posted on

What is the submission process and timetable?
9            Applications will be considered by a small international panel
once a year.
The deadline for the first competition for grants will be 11th October 2002,
and decisions will be taken in February 2003, although this timetable may
vary in future years.

            Preliminary Application Deadline
10            Applications will be considered in two stages.  In the first
applicants should submit a completed Preliminary Application Form.  A copy
is attached at Annex A to this booklet and further copies can be obtained
from In this first round Preliminary Applications must
be received no later than 11th October 2002.

            Detailed Application Deadline
11            Invitations to a limited number of applicants to submit
detailed applications will be despatched no later than the end of November
2002.  The closing date for receipt of detailed applications will be about
10th January 2003.  However, these dates may be extended in light of
changing circumstances.  For the structure and content of the detailed
application, please consult the Programme’s website

Referee requirements

12            Applicants are advised that if invited to submit a detailed
application,  they
must ensure that  their two referees are prepared to submit their comments
by the 17th January 2003.

How will the application be assessed?

13        All outline and detailed applications will be assessed by the
small international
panel.  The panel membership is detailed at the front of this booklet.
Panel members have been selected to serve in their capacity as scholars and
researchers in the field.  Based on its assessment, the panel will submit
its final recommendations to the Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund.  In making
its assessments at the detailed application stage, the panel may consult
independent referees.

14        Grants will be announced by late February 2003.  The earliest
starting date for any project is April 2003.  Projects must commence within
12 months of the date of the offer letter.

What kind of costs are eligible?
15        Eligible costs include:

·        teaching replacement costs of Principal Investigators, in teaching
posts, while on extended field trips
·        the salaries of research and technical assistants
·        stipend costs of the individual applicant (graduate student
application only) normally for up to 2 (or if justified 3) years primarily
devoted to fieldwork and the processing of the results
·        salary costs of the individual applicant (postdoctoral fellow
application only) normally for up to 2 (or if justified 3) years, where not
currently in a salaried position
·        costs of employing indigenous collaborators and participants and
securing co-operation
·        stipend costs of a graduate student engaged full-time on the
specific project as part of a team (major documentation project application
only) for up to 3 years.

Fieldwork Expenses

·        travel and subsistence expenses of fieldwork (including insurance
·        supplementary training costs for field researchers and local
·        equipment (necessary fieldwork items only)

Other Costs
·        supplies of consumables, office and communication costs directly
associated with the project
·        workshops or colloquia necessary for the completion of the project
·        reasonable (i.e. modest) compensation to the ‘home’ institution for
the costs of managing the grant budget.  The amount claimed will have to be

Please note that the grants awarded under this scheme will be cash limited
in sterling.  Therefore applications may include a reasonable estimate for
changes in salary costs only.

16            Personnel costs are allowable at the standard rates of the
country.   Where appropriate these should be linked to national pay scales.

            What kind of costs are ineligible?
17            Ineligible costs include:
·        overheads and indirect costs, other than the costs of managing the
·        maternity and sickness pay
·        publication and dissemination costs, other than the costs of
duplicating material for electronic distribution
·        equipment other than fieldwork items.
·        claims for personal subsistence (other than whilst undertaking
fieldwork abroad)

What will become of a Project’s outcome?

18        In addition to creating local repositories of data for the
linguistic and
social sciences, it will be a requirement of funding that the outcomes  of
all projects [including copies of recordings and videos] will be ultimately
deposited within the ELDP Central Archive which is to be housed at SOAS.
The outcomes should also be placed on a website.

            What are the reporting requirements?
19        The terms and conditions of any grant awarded will be detailed in
offer letter.  In summary, successful applicants will be required to submit
regular reports which will include a statement of accounts.  In the event
that a report is considered unsatisfactory, funds may be withheld, the award
revised or amended or, ultimately, the funding terminated.    In all cases,
a fixed percentage of the grant will be held back until submission and
approval of the final project report.

20        The university (or comparable research institution) responsible
administering the award will, if requested by the ELDP administration at
SOAS, provide accounts for the award to be examined by a recognised auditor,
to certify that the expenditure of the grant has been in accordance with the
agreed terms and conditions.  The books, records and financial procedures of
the university, relevant to the grant, shall be open to inspection by any
body or individual appointed for the purposes of inspection.

Extensions and supplementary grants.
21            Applications for extensions of existing grants will not
normally be accepted.
Applications for supplementary grants will only be accepted in exceptional
cases.  Transfers between budget categories may be permitted in certain
cases – these will be detailed in the offer letter.

C.  General instructions for making a Preliminary Application.

22            Preliminary Applications may be submitted in one of five

Main application types
·        Major Documentation Project                   (Annex A - MDP)
·        Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship                    (Annex A -
·        Individual Graduate Studentship                      (Annex A –

Exceptional application types
·        Field Trip Grant                                 (Annex A – FTG)
·        Pilot Project Grant                                 (Annex A – PPG)

Applicants are invited to complete the appropriate Preliminary Application
Form at Annex A in full.  This must be completed in English and comply with
the eligibility requirements detailed in this booklet.  Please do not send
additional documentation (other than that requested on the form) in support
of your application.

23            Applications will be assessed and those which appear to
conform to the
Programme’s expectations as to importance and quality will be invited to
submit a more detailed application.  The information requested in the
Preliminary Application is general in form.  However, applicants will need
to be confident that they can satisfy the policies and procedures relevant
to detailed applications, in the event that they are invited to submit such
an application.  Further, it will be advisable to take account of such
policies and procedures, and begin preparatory work on a possible detailed
application, since there will not be much time between an invitation to
submit a detailed proposal and the closing date for its consideration.
Applicants are therefore strongly advised to consult the detailed
application procedures as outlined on the Programme’s website

24            Preliminary Applications in response to this first call should
be submitted so
as to reach SOAS no later than 5pm on Friday 11th October 2002.  All
proposals should be addressed to:

Mrs Jacqueline Arrol-Barker,
Documentation Programme Manager
School of Oriental and African Studies,
Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG, UK

Please ensure that you supply the following:
·        your original application
·        11 double-sided copies (each set individually stapled).
·        An e-mail copy of the application sent to:
j.arrolbarker at <mailto:j.arrolbarker at>

25        Whilst applications are not checked for completeness immediately,
will receive an e-mail in the form of a reply version of the application, to
confirm that the electronic version has been received.

26        Late or incomplete applications can not be accepted.  Please note
amendments to the text after the closing date will not normally be accepted.

D          Project Characteristics
27        Looked at generally, documentation projects should be:

·        Accessible and usable, to both members of the language community
and the wider scientific community.

·        Secure against abuse, to protect the rights of the community
originating the data.

·        Permanent, to guarantee long-term survival of the data.

·        Cumulative, to allow existing data to be supplemented and

·        Focused on languages whose continued existence is most at risk.

·        Comprehensive, to include records of the widest possible range of
linguistic data (in as wide a variety of social and cultural uses as
possible) currently available, including audio, video, written materials,
grammatical descriptions, monolingual and bilingual lexicography.

·        Built on common notation standards, which presupposes as little as
possible about the content of the data or the specific purposes to which
they can be put, but also allow an optimum level of practical access.

·        Presented to the public worldwide, in the interests of attracting
support and emulation to tackle the vast problem of language endangerment.
(However, access will be restricted for up to three years after the period
of data gathering and collation to allow for scholarly use of the material
by the grant holder.)

For specific information about the standards and requirements to be expected
in detailed applications see the procedures described in the Programme’s
website at

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