Answer to Spectacular

Dan Parvaz dparvaz at UNM.EDU
Fri Dec 6 06:43:40 UTC 2002

> If we did find an individual who could go off and build, say, a
> television set from scratch all by himself, should we conclude that
> its an "emergent phenomena" -- an ability that was inside him all
> along and just happened to pop out under the "right confluences."

I guess I work with a different definition of "emergent" -- one which
necessitates complex dynamical systems. To me that means some sort of
critical mass of humanity (so far?), PLUS some overlapping set of
faculties, PLUS the need to communicate. And perhaps PLUS is

The recent emergence (or effervescence) of Nicaraguan Sign Language is
one indication of the kind of emergence I'm talking about (as opposed
to what Pinker said it proved).

> Or should we conclude that his "ability" to make a television set was
> dependent on[...]  something to watch.

This isn't helping your case any :-)

> A individual human armed with only syntax and grammar in his brain
> doesn't have the survival tools of a dodo "in the wild."

I've been asked by students in syntax class what use any of this stuff
is. They're probably reading this message right now. Thanks a lot.


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