[semiotics and linguistics]

Miriam Meyerhoff mhoff at LING.ED.AC.UK
Thu Feb 14 12:50:42 UTC 2002

Samantha Wilson wrote:

>Why has the study of semiotics been largely ignored by today's linguistic
>community? It would appear from my early and introductory readings that
>semiotics, especially work done by the American scholar Charles Peirce,
>would have a lot to contribute to the study of human lanaguge and
>communication.  Any opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Has it? It's just that it seems to me that the work of people like
Gunther Kress very much bridges the fields and this work is familiar
to many linguists in the UK. Perhaps you mean "the dominant US
linguistic community", where, it is true, there doesn't seem to be a
lot of such cross-pollination (pace Professor Davis' useful


Miriam Meyerhoff
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
University of Edinburgh
40 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LL
Scotland, UK

ph (131) 651-1836
fax (131) 650-3962


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