New Books of interest to functionalists

Paul Peranteau paul at BENJAMINS.COM
Thu Feb 14 20:52:22 UTC 2002

John Benjamins Publishing announces a new 2-volume set:

Circum-Baltic Languages. Volume 1: Past and Present.
Östen DAHL and Maria KOPTJEVSKAJA TAMM  (Stockholm University) (eds.)

Studies in Language Companion Series 54
2001. xx, 382 pp.  Hardcover
US & Canada: 1 58811 020 6 / USD 118.00
Rest of world: 90 272 3057 9 / EUR 130.00

The area around the Baltic Sea has for millennia been a meeting-place for
people of different origin. Among the circum-Baltic languages, we find
three major branches of Indo-European -- Baltic, Germanic, and Slavic, the
Baltic-Finnic languages from the Uralic phylum and several others. The
circum-Baltic area is an ideal place to study areal and contact phenomena
in languages.

The present set of two volumes look at the circum-Baltic languages from a
typological, areal and historical perspective, trying to relate the
intricate patterns of similarities and dissimilarities to the societal
background. In volume I, surveys of dialect areas and language groups bear
witness to the immense linguistic diversity in the area with special
attention to less well-known languages and language varieties and their

Circum-Baltic Languages. Volume 2: Grammar and Typology
Östen DAHL and Maria KOPTJEVSKAJA TAMM (Stockholm University) (eds.)

Studies in Language Companion Series 55
2001. xx, 423 pp.  Hardcover
US & Canada: 1 58811 042 7 / USD 127.00
Rest of world: 90 272 3059 5 / EUR 140.00

The area around the Baltic Sea has for millennia been a meeting-place for
people of different origin. Among the circum-Baltic languages, we find
three major branches of Indo-European -- Baltic, Germanic, and Slavic, the
Baltic-Finnic languages from the Uralic phylum and several others. The
circum-Baltic area is an ideal place to study areal and contact phenomena
in languages.

The present set of two volumes look at the circum-Baltic languages from a
typological, areal and historical perspective, trying to relate the
intricate patterns of similarities and dissimilarities to the societal
background. In volume II, selected phenomena in the grammars of the
circum-Baltic languages are studied in a cross-linguistic perspective.

Contributions by: V. Ambrazas; K. Boiko; S. Christen; A. Holvoet; M.
Koptjevskaja-Tamm; H. Metslang; B. Metuzale-Kangere; L. Stassen; T. Stolz;
B. Wälchli.

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