Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics Workshop
monica gonzalez-marquez
mg246 at CORNELL.EDU
Sun Nov 3 18:17:56 UTC 2002
Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics (EMCL) Workshop
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, USA
May 2-4, 2003
Call for Graduate Student Participants
Application deadline: January 31, 2003
Notification of acceptance by: March 15, 2003
Recent years have witnessed a virtual explosion of theory about the
relationship between language and cognition in work on cognitive
grammar (Langacker), cognitive semantics (Talmy), conceptual
integration (Fauconnier & Turner), and conceptual metaphor (Lakoff,
Sweetser). However, most of the empirical support for these theories
lies in the linguistic judgments and intuitions of their proponents.
While this is a powerful form of empirical support, the wide-ranging
nature of the claims in cognitive linguistics creates a particular need
for converging evidence from other techniques in cognitive science in
order to assess both its assumptions and its conclusions about
cognitive phenomena. The Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics
Workshop is motivated by the idea that experimental and observational
work can help substantiate the claims of cognitive linguistics, and to
further develop an empirically valid account of the connection between
language and cognition.
This interdisciplinary workshop is intended to provide a forum where
people doing experimental and observational research in cognitive
linguistics can come together to obtain a comprehensive picture of
progress in this endeavor, and to identify areas for future
investigation. During the workshop, we will explore the use of various
experimental and observational methods to address particular issues
relevant to language and cognition.
To this end, the goals of the workshop are:
-to evaluate experimental and empirical support for various claims in
cognitive linguistics;
-to address practical and methodological issues such as experimental
design, data collection and analysis (including audio/video
eye-tracking, gesture, fMRI/EEG, image schemas, etc.)
-to explore how data from natural language corpora can be fruitfully
incorporated in experimental work;
-to create a network of researchers with common interests and concerns
for continued collaboration.
Workshop format:
The weekend will kick off with a plenary lecture followed by a question
and answer session with the audience.Aside from this initiating
however, the event will be organized around parallel workshop
sessions of two types, those led by faculty members and those
organized around student presentations. All sessions are
intended to be highly interactive. In the first sort of workshop,
a faculty member will work with a small group of students to
solve a problem or set of problems that might arise in her area of
expertise. For example, in a workshop on the use of metaphor in
gesture, the group might jointly analyze a videotape of face-to-face
interaction. In a workshop on eye-tracking, the group might be asked
to analyze data collected from a single subject in a particular
experiment. In a workshop on behavioral measures, the group might
begin with a theoretical issue in cognitive linguistics and design an
experiment to test it. These workshops will be ‘recycled’ in that each
faculty member will hold the same workshop twice, so that most
participants will get a chance to participate in most workshops. In
the student-led sessions, graduate students will make 15-minute
presentations about their work, followed by extensive discussion about
the theoretical and methodological issues raised by the students’
research. The event will end with a roundtable discussion session in
which participants synthesize the contents of the workshop and talk
about future directions.
Graduate Students:
Participants will be graduate students undertaking
empirical/experimental work relevant to language and cognition.
Applicants should be familiar with current ideas in cognitive
linguistics and be prepared to critically discuss various aspects of
the theory. Participants will be expected to present their ongoing
research to the group for constructive feedback. Interested graduate
students are invited to submit their applications by following the
instructions given at the workshop website:
Application deadline: January 31, 2003
Notification of acceptance by: March 15, 2003
Accommodation will be provided for all accepted students. In addition,
it is likely that modest travel grants will be available to students
traveling long distances.
Seana Coulson (UCSD, Cognitive Science)
Chris Sinha (University of Portsmouth, Developmental Psychology)
Michael J. Spivey (Cornell University, Psycholinguistics)
5 additional faculty members will be added over the course of the next
few weeks.
Organizing Committee:
Seana Coulson (UCSD, Cognitive Science)
Richard Dale (Cornell, Psychology)
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Chair (Cornell, Psychology)
Irene Mittelberg (Cornell, Linguistics)
Michael J. Spivey (Cornell, Psycholinguistics)
Contact information:
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez -- mg246 at cornell.edu
Application deadline: January 31, 2003
Notification of acceptance by: March 15, 2003
This event is sponsored and generously funded by the Cognitive Studies
Program at Cornell University.
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