New Book: Gueldemann/von Roncador

Paul Peranteau paul at BENJAMINS.COM
Thu Nov 14 18:17:53 UTC 2002

John Benjamins Publishing announces a new work of interest to functional

Title: Reported Discourse
Subtitle: A meeting ground for different linguistic domains
Series Title: Typological Studies in Language 52

Publication Year: 2002
Publisher: John Benjamins

Editor: Tom  Güldemann (University of Leipzig)
Editor: Manfred  von Roncador (University of Bayreuth)

US & Canada: Hardback: ISBN: 1588112276, Pages: xii, 425 pp., Price: USD 117.00
Everywhere else: Hardback: ISBN: 9027229589, Pages: xii, 425 pp., Price:
EUR 130.00


The present volume unites 15 papers on reported discourse from a wide
genetic and geographical variety of languages. Besides the treatment
of traditional problems of reported discourse like the classification
of its intermediate categories, the book reflects in particular how
its grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic properties have repercussions
in other linguistic domains like tense-aspect-modality, evidentiality,
reference tracking and pronominal categories, and the
grammaticalization history of quotative constructions.  Almost all
papers present a major shift away from analyzing reported discourse
with the help of abstract transformational principles toward embedding
it in functional and pragmatic aspects of language.  Another central
methodological approach pervading this collection consists in the
discourse-oriented examination of reported discourse based on large
corpora of spoken or written texts which is increasingly replacing
analyses of constructed de-contextualized utterances prevalent in many
earlier treatments.  The book closes with a comprehensive bibliography
on reported discourse of about 1.000 entries.

Table of Contents

      Tom Güldemann and Manfred von Roncador  vii
Abbreviations  x
Part I. Categories of reported discourse and their use
1. Speech and thought representation in the Kartvelian (South
    Caucasian) languages
      Winfred Boeder  3
2. Self-quotation in German: Reporting on past decisions
      Andrea Golato  49
3. Direct and indirect speech in Cerma narrative
      Ivan-Margaret Lowe and Ruth Hurlimann  71
4. Direct and indirect discourse in Tamil
      Sanford B. Steever  91
5. The acceptance of "free indirect discourse": A change of the
    representation of thought in Japanese
      Yasushi Suzuki  109
6. Direct, indirect and other discourse in Bengali newspapers
      Wim van der Wurff  121
Part II. Tense- aspect and evidentiality
7. Evidentiality and reported speech in Romance languages
      Gerda Hassler  143
8. Discourse perspectives on tense choice in spoken-English reporting
      Tomoko I. Sakita  173
Part III. Logophoricity
9. The logophoric hierarchy and variation in Dogon
      Chris Culy  201
10. Logophoric marking in East Asian languages
      Yan Huang  211
Part IV. Form and history of quotative constructions
11. The grammaticalization of "say" and "do": An areal phenomenon in
     East Africa
      David Cohen, Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle and Martine Vanhove 227
12. When "say" is not say: The functional versatility of the Bantu
     quotative marker ti with special reference to Shona
      Tom Güldemann  253
13. Reported speech in Egyptian: Forms, types and history
      Frank Kammerzell and Carsten Peust  289
14. "Report" constructions in Kambera (Austronesian)
      Marian Klamer  323
15. All the same? The emergence of complementizers in Bislama
      Miriam Meyerhoff  341
Part V. A comprehensive bibliography of reported discourse
16. A comprehensive bibliography of reported discourse
      Tom Güldemann, Manfred von Roncador and Wim van der Wurff  363
Language index  417
Name index  419

Lingfield(s):   Functional & Systemic Ling (Linguistic Theories)
                 Linguistic Theories

Written In: English (Language Code: English)

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