Second Call for papers -- LSRL 33

Clancy Clements clements at INDIANA.EDU
Thu Oct 17 16:44:32 UTC 2002

Second Call for papers

The 33rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
April 24-27

Main session: All areas of Romance linguistics
Parasession: Romance Languages in Contact Situations

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Dec. 6, 2002

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion)
on any aspect of Romance linguistics. Abstracts should be no more than two
pages in length (including examples and references), in 12-point type. All
margins should be at least one inch wide (or 2.5 cm). Authors are asked to
submit their abstracts either by:
(a) e-mail attachment (MS Word or WordPerfect) with a hard copy to follow
within 1 week
(b) postal services (send six copies of an anonymous abstract and one
additional copy with the author's name and affiliation.)
No faxes will be accepted. In the email message or on a separate sheet,
please also include the title of the paper, name of author(s),
affiliation(s), address, phone number, and e-mail address. To facilitate
the review process, please indicate the primary area of linguistics
addressed in the paper. Those who wish to be considered for both the Main
Session and the Parasession should send two sets of materials (please
indicate MAIN SESSION / PARASESSION). Submissions are limited to a maximum
of one individual and one joint abstract per author. Preference will be
given to presentations not duplicated at other major conferences (e.g.,
LSA, NELS, WCCFL). Authors are asked to indicate prior or planned
presentations of their papers.

Send abstracts to:
lsrl33 at
1020 E. Kirkwood Ave.
Ballantine Hall 604
Bloomington, IN 47405-7103

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