Textbooks on Discourse Analysis
Rosa Graciela Montes
rmontes at SIU.BUAP.MX
Mon Sep 23 15:20:25 UTC 2002
> May I indulge in some self-advertising, just because I
> think _Discourse Analysis: An Introduction_ Edinburgh
> University Press, 1997 [reprinted 1999] by Alexandra
> Georgakopoulou and myself is one of the most appropriate
> textbooks for the level in question.
I have used the Goutsos and Georgakopolou textbook with
incoming graduate students some of which had had previous
readings on discourse analysis and some for whom the course
was a total introduction.
I found the book excellent for providing a comprehensive
overview of the field, for being up to date and indexing
several of the current controversies and touchy points.
The materials provided allowed those already familiar to set
issues, authors and approaches in perspective and gave
sufficient information for newcomers to be able to engage
informedly in the classroom discussions.
Dr. Rosa Graciela Montes, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla,
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