examples of Wari'
Dan Everett
dan.everett at MAN.AC.UK
Wed Apr 23 14:49:53 UTC 2003
I should have included these before, since it seems to make it harder
to follow without actually including some examples ('duh')
(1) *Mi nam con hwam cam cwa' tarama'.
give 3srp/p-3sf prep:3sm fish f this:m/f man
'The man gave her the fish.'
(2) Mi nam con hwam Hatem tarama'.
give 3srp/p-3sf prep:3sm fish f:name man
'The man gave Hatem the fish.'
(3) Maqui' na co ma'.
come 3s:rp/p m that:prox:hearer
'He came.' (lit: 'That masculine being/thing near you came.')
(4) Querec nam cam ma' Xijam.
see 3sr:p/p-3sf f that:prox:hearer m:name.
'Xijam saw her.' (lit: 'Xijam saw that woman/girl.')
Ex. (1) is ungrammatical. The pronoun cannot reference RECIPIENT/GOAL
(the pronominal paradigm is 100% periphrastic, see Everett in progress
for more details). Example (2) is fine, with a proper name instead of a
pronoun. Example (3) is fine, with pronoun as subject, as is (4) with
pronoun as object. No other word orders are possible.
Again, I am not asking for analysis, but whether this pattern rings any
bells as it were - does anyone know of a similar case? No doubt it will
be obvious and reveal my astounding ignorance, but I am willing to
tolerate the humiliation if I get a good answer.
Daniel L. Everett
Professor of Phonetics and Phonology
Department of Linguistics
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
M13 9PL
Phone: 44-161-275-3158
Department Fax: 44-161-275-3187
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