Book notice

Zygmunt Frajzyngier Zygmunt.Frajzyngier at
Wed Dec 3 01:39:20 UTC 2003

Dear Friends,
Apologies for the previous message that was supposed to contain an attachment.
Since the attachment didn't got through below is the information about the new
book with potential interest to Funknetters,

Explaining Language Structure through Systems Interaction

Zygmunt Frajzyngier and Erin Shay

University of Colorado

Typological Studies in Language 55

2003. xviii, 309 pp.
This book is available

1 58811 436 8 / USD 105.00
90 272 2963 5 / EUR 105.00

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This book proposes a framework for describing languages through the description
of relationships among lexicon, morphology, syntax, and phonology. The
framework is based on the notion of formal coding means; the principle of
functional transparency; the notion of functional domains; and the notion of
systems interaction in the coding of functional domains. The study is based on
original analyses of cross-linguistic data.
The fundamental finding of the study is that different languages may code
different functional domains, which must be discovered by analyzing the formal
means available in each language. The first part of the book proposes a
methodology for discovering functional domains and the second part describes
the properties of various functional domains.
The book presents new cross-linguistic analyses of theoretical issues including
agreement; phenomena attributed to government; nominal classification;
prerequisites for and implications of linear order coding; and defining
characteristics of lexical categories.
The study also contributes new analyses of specific problems in individual


Table of contents

Acknowledgments 	xiii
Abbreviations 	xiv
1. Introduction: Theoretical and methodological foundations 	1–36
2. Interaction of the lexicon with other coding means 	37–56
3. Coding through linear order 	57–88
4. Coding through nominal inflection 	89–113
5. Interaction of phonology with other coding means 	115–151
6. Agreement, or coding on other constituents 	153–168
7. Interaction of nominal classification with other coding means 	169–181
8. Matrix clause coding 	183–210
9. Determining the function of a linguistic form: The indirectly affected
argument and the external possessor 	211–231
10. Systems interaction in the coding of locative predication 	233–246
11. Systems interaction in the coding of reference 	247–282
12. Conclusions, implications, and open questions 	283–288
Notes 	289–290
References 	291–300
Index of authors 	301–302
Index of languages 	303–304
Index of subjects 	305–307


Subject classification

Zygmunt Frajzyngier

Till Dec. 23, 2003

Institute of Advanced Study
La Trobe University
Bundoora, Victoria 3086
Fax: 61 3 9467 3053
Phone: 61 3 9479 6420

Permanent address:
Dept. of Linguistics
Box 295,
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado 80309
Phone: 303-492-6959
Fax: 303-492-4416

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