conference on SPACE in languages (Paris)

Stéphane ROBERT robert at VJF.CNRS.FR
Mon Jan 13 12:49:26 UTC 2003

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         Space in languages: linguistic systems and cognitive categories

                         7-8 February 2003
                         Ecole Normale Supérieure (salle Dussane)
                         45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris

                         International conference organized by the research 
                         on Language diversity and change: cognitive 
implications (GDR 1955)
                         Financed by the French National Center for 
Scientific Research (CNRS)

                         Contact: secretariat.tul at
                         Web page 

                         FREE ENTRY  ,  NO REGISTRATION


Friday 7 February

9h15-9h30       Opening

9h30-10h10      Colette Grinevald
                 (Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Université de Lyon 2)
                 The expression of static location in a typological 

10h10-10h50     Denis Creissels
                 (Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Université de Lyon 2)
                 Encoding the distinction between localization, the source 
of motion, and the direction
                 of motion: a typological study.

10h50-11h20     Pause

11h20-12h00     Alain Peyraube
                 (Centre de Recherche sur les Langues d'Asie Orientale, 
EHESS Paris)
                 On the history of place words and localizers in Chinese: a 
cognitive approach.

12h00-12h40     Marie-Anne Sallandre
                 (UFR Sciences du Langage, Université de Paris 8)
                 Iconicity in discourse: the role of space in French sign 

12h40-14h30     Lunch

14h30-15h10     Chris Sinha
                 (Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth)
                 Mapping and construal in spatial language and 
conceptualization: language variation
                 and acquisition.

15h10-15h50     Melissa Bowerman
                 (Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen)
                 Constructing language-specific spatial categories in first 
language acquisition.

15h50-16h20     Pause

16h20-17h00     Barbara Landau
                 (Department of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins 
University, Baltimore)
                 (De)Coupling of spatial language and spatial cognition.

17h00-17h40     Michel Denis
                 (LIMSI, Orsay)
                 Deficits in spatial discourse: the case of Alzheimer patients.

Saturday 8 February

9h30-10h10      Anetta Kopecka
                 (Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Université de Lyon 2)
                 The semantic structure of motion verbs in French: 
typological perspectives.

10h10-10h50     Maya Hickmann
                 (Laboratoire Cognition et Développement, Université de 
Paris 5)
                 The relativity of motion in first language acquisition.

10h50-11h20     Pause

11h20-12h00     Dan Slobin
                 (Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley)
                 What makes manner of motion salient?

12h00-12h40     Jérôme Dokic & Elisabeth Pacherie
                 (Institut Jean Nicod, EHESS Paris)
                 Molyneux's question and frames of reference.

12h40-14h30     Lunch

14h30-15h10     Pierre Cadiot & Franck Lebas
                 (Université de Paris 8, Laboratoire LATTICE & Université 
Clermont-Ferrand 2)
                 The French movement verb MONTER as a challenge to the 
status of spatial reference.

15h10-15h50     Yves-Marie Visetti
                 (Laboratoire LATTICE, ENS Paris)
                 Semantics and its models of perception and action.

15h50-16h30     Claude Vandeloise
                 (State University of Louisiana, Bâton Rouge)
                 Are there spatial prepositions?

16h30-17h00     Pause

17h00-18h00     Table Ronde / Open discussion
                 chaired by
                 Stéphane Robert (LLACAN, INALCO Paris)


Abstracts will be available on the conference web page by the end of January :


The place
The Ecole Normale Supérieure is located in downtown Paris in the Quartier 
Latin (5th area, close to the Pantheon). RER Station: Luxembourg; Buslines 
: 21, 27, 38, 85.
For further details, seethe ENS web page:

You can find a list of hotels, including students hotels, on the web site 
of the Office de tourisme et des congrès de Paris:

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