Seek suggestions for lit. class

Jo Rubba jrubba at CALPOLY.EDU
Sat Jan 25 01:10:45 UTC 2003

Hi all,

I am teaching a linguistic-analysis-of-literature class next quarter
(starting April '03) and am thinking of centering it either completely
on metaphor/conceptual blending or on that and schema/frame theory. I
was wondering if anyone on these lists had taught such a course and had
recommendations or ideas to share for readings, activities, pieces to
analyze, etc.

My students are not linguistics majors (far from it), so the material
has to be _extremely accessible_ to non-linguists. Most will be English
majors. I know about _More than cool reason_ and _Metaphors we live by_,
so I am looking for other sources that I could add to these.

Thanks in advance. If people want me to, I will share responses with the lists.

Johanna Rubba, Associate Professor, Linguistics
English Department, Cal Poly State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Tel. 805-756-2184 ~ Dept. phone 805-756-2596
Dept. fax: 805-756-6374 ~  E-mail: jrubba at

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