Last Call to Empirical Methods in Cog Ling
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez
mg246 at CORNELL.EDU
Thu Jan 30 16:00:04 UTC 2003
> ******************** Last Call ************************
>+++++++ Deadline January 31, 2003 +++++++++++
>Ý Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics (EMCL) Workshop
>Ý Cornell University
>Ý Ithaca, New York, USA
>Ý May 2-4, 2003
>Ý ***
>Ý Call for Graduate Student Participants
>Ý Application deadline: January 31, 2003
>Ý Notification of acceptance by: March 15, 2003
>Ý ***
>Ý Introduction:
>Ý Recent years have witnessed a virtual explosion of theory about the
>Ý relationship between language and cognition in work on cognitive
>Ý grammar (Langacker), cognitive semantics (Talmy), conceptual
>Ý integration (Fauconnier & Turner), and conceptual metaphor (Lakoff,
>Ý Sweetser). However, most of the empirical support for these theories
>Ý lies in the linguistic judgments and intuitions of their proponents.
>Ý While this is a powerful form of empirical support, the wide-ranging
>Ý nature of the claims in cognitive linguistics creates a particular need
>Ý for converging evidence from other techniques in cognitive science in
>Ý order to assess both its assumptions and its conclusions about
>Ý cognitive phenomena. The Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics
>Ý Workshop is motivated by the idea that experimental and observational
>Ý work can help substantiate the claims of cognitive linguistics, and to
>Ý further develop an empirically valid account of the connection between
>Ý language and cognition.
>Ý This interdisciplinary workshop is intended to provide a forum where
>Ý people doing experimental and observational research in cognitive
>Ý linguistics can come together to obtain a comprehensive picture of
>Ý progress in this endeavor, and to identify areas for future
>Ý investigation. During the workshop, we will explore the use of various
>Ý experimental and observational methods to address particular issues
>Ý relevant to language and cognition.
>Ý To this end, the goals of the workshop are:
>Ý -to evaluate experimental and empirical support for various claims in
>Ý Ý Ý Ýcognitive linguistics;
>Ý -to address practical and methodological issues such as experimental
>Ý Ý Ý Ýdesign, data collection and analysis (including audio/video corpora,
>Ý Ý Ý Ýeye-tracking, gesture, fMRI/EEG, image schemas, etc.)
>Ý -to explore how data from natural language corpora can be fruitfully
>Ý Ý Ý Ý incorporated in experimental work;
>Ý -to create a network of researchers with common interests and concerns
>Ý Ý Ý Ý for continued collaboration.
>Ý Workshop format:
>Ý he weekend will kick off with a plenary lecture followed by a question
>Ý and answer session with the audience.Aside from this initiating lecture,
>Ý however, the event will be organized around parallel workshop
>Ý sessions of two types, those led by faculty members and those
>Ý organized around student presentations. All sessions are
>Ý intended to be highly interactive. In the first sort of workshop,
>Ý a faculty member will work with a small group of students to
>Ý solve a problem or set of problems that might arise in her area of
>Ý expertise. For example, in a workshop on the use of metaphor in
>Ý gesture, the group might jointly analyze a videotape of face-to-face
>Ý interaction. ÝIn a workshop on eye-tracking, the group might be asked
>Ý to analyze data collected from a single subject in a particular
>Ý experiment. ÝIn a workshop on behavioral measures, the group might
>Ý begin with a theoretical issue in cognitive linguistics and design an
>Ý experiment to test it. ÝThese workshops will be =91recycled=92 in that each
>Ý faculty member will hold the same workshop twice, so that most
>Ý participants will get a chance to participate in most workshops. ÝIn
>Ý the student-led sessions, graduate students will make 15-minute
>Ý presentations about their work, followed by extensive discussion about
>Ý the theoretical and methodological issues raised by the students=92
>Ý research. The event will end with a roundtable discussion session in
>Ý which participants synthesize the contents of the workshop and talk
>Ý about future directions.
>Ý Graduate Students:
>Ý Participants will be graduate students undertaking
>Ý empirical/experimental work relevant to language and cognition.
>Ý Applicants should be familiar with current ideas in cognitive
>Ý linguistics and be prepared to critically discuss various aspects of
>Ý the theory. Participants will be expected to present their ongoing
>Ý research to the group for constructive feedback. Interested graduate
>Ý students are invited to submit their applications by following the
>Ý instructions given at the workshop website:
>Scientists from all nations, and especially women
>and minorities, are strongly encouraged to attend and participate.
>Ý Application deadline: January 31, 2003
>Ý Notification of acceptance by: March 15, 2003
>Ý Accommodation will be provided for all accepted students. In addition,
>Ý it is likely that modest travel grants will be available to students
>Ý traveling long distances.
> Plenary Speaker:
> Leonard Talmy (University at Buffalo, SUNY, Linguistics) website
> Faculty:
> Lera Boroditsky , MIT, Brain & Cognitive Sciences
> Seana Coulson, UCSD, Cognitive Science
> Raymond Gibbs, UCSC, Psychology
> Teenie Matlock, Stanford, Psychology
> Wolfgang Settekorn, Universitaet Hamburg, Discourse Analysis
> Chris Sinha, University of Portsmouth, Developmental Psychology
> Michael Spivey, Cornell University, Psycholinguistics
> Eve Sweetser, UC Berkeley, Linguistics
> Faculty Participants:
> Ben Bergen (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
> Claire Cardie (Cornell University)
> Tatiana Chernigovskaya (St. Petersburg State University,
>Russia) (to be confirmed)
> Morten Christiansen (Cornell University)
> Herb Colston (University of Wisconsin Parkside)
> Shimon Edelman (Cornell University)
> Kira Gor (University of Maryland) (to be confirmed)
> Jeff Hancock (Cornell University)
> George Lakoff (University of California, Berkeley) (to be confirmed)
> Rafael Nunez (University of California, San Diego) (to be confirmed)
Zoltan Kovecses (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary) (to be confirmed)
>Ý Organizing Committee:
>Ý Seana Coulson (UCSD, Cognitive Science)
>Ý Richard DaleÝ(Cornell, Psychology)
>Ý Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Chair (Cornell, Psychology)
>Ý Irene Mittelberg (Cornell, Linguistics)
>Ý Michael J. Spivey (Cornell, Psycholinguistics)
>Ý Contact information:
>Ý Monica Gonzalez-Marquez Ý-- mg246 at
>Ý Application deadline: January 31, 2003
>Ý Notification of acceptance by: March 15, 2003
>Ý This event is sponsored and generously funded by the Cognitive Studies
Ý Program at Cornell University.
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