Syntactic functions: Final Call for papers

Seppo Kittilä sepkit at UTU.FI
Wed Jul 16 03:47:15 UTC 2003

(Apologies for any cross-postings)


The Linguistic Association of Finland is organizing a symposium on

Syntactic Functions - Focus on the Periphery

to be held in Helsinki, Finland, November 14 - 15, 2003.

The symposium will bring together linguists interested in questions
dealing with syntactic functions. We invite papers addressing theoretical
questions as well as papers taking a specific (empirical) viewpoint of one
(or more) particular language(s). We especially encourage papers that
concentrate on the syntactic status and description of "peripheral"
constituents - such as adnominal and adverbial modifiers, adpositional
phrases, converbs, adjuncts, discourse particles, various clause-size
constituents etc. Possible themes include:
-       language specific problems in determining the syntactic function
        of (a) specific constituent(s)
-       the critical examination of principles used to define syntactic
-       the borderlines between "the core" and "the periphery" or between
        obligatory and optional constituents
-       the status of syntactic functions - are they primitives or
Furthermore, we warmly welcome scholars working on spoken language: What
kind of syntactic functions are there in spoken language? Does the
evidence from spoken language challenge the traditionally assumed
syntactic functions? Other topics relating to syntactic functions are
equally welcome.

Invited speakers:
· Christian Lehmann (University of Erfurt)
· Maria Vilkuna (Research Institute for the Languages of Finland)

· lectures by invited speakers
· presentations by other participants (20 min + 10 min for discussion)
· posters

Symposium venue:
House of Sciences (administered by the Federation of Finnish Learned
Societies and situated in the heart of Helsinki city centre), Address:
Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki, Finland.

Homepage of the symposium:

The deadline for submission of abstracts (in English; max 500 words) is
July 31, 2003. Please submit your abstract by e-mail to the following
address: <synfunct-organizers at>. The abstract should be
included in the body of the message. Please indicate clearly whether your
abstract is intended as a poster or a section paper.
E-mail submissions are strongly recommended. If, however, you send your
abstract by ordinary mail, please provide an e-mail address as a contact

Participants will be notified about acceptance by September 1, 2003.  The
abstracts  will be published on the web pages of the symposium:

The deadline for registration is October 1, 2003. Register by e-mail to
the address above.

Registration fees:
· general: EUR 50
· members of the association: EUR 25
· undergraduate students free

Participants from abroad are requested to pay in cash upon arrival.
Participants from Finland may send the registration fee by giro account no
800013-1424850 to The Linguistic Association of Finland (SKY) / Symposium
or pay in cash upon arrival.

Please visit the web pages of the symposium at

The organizing committee (synfunct-organizers at
· Chair:
Juhani Klemola, Department of English, University of Vaasa, P.O. Box 700,
FIN-65101 Vaasa, <juhani.klemola at>
· Other members:
Marja Etelämäki, Department of Finnish, P.O. Box 4, FIN-00014 University
of Helsinki, <marja.etelamaki at>
Seppo Kittilä, Department of General Linguistics, Hämeenkatu 2 A 8,
FIN-20014 University of Turku, <seppo.kittila at>
Leena Kolehmainen, Department of German, P.O. Box 24, FIN-00014 University
of Helsinki, <leena.kolehmainen at>
Matti Miestamo, Department of General Linguistics, P.O. Box 9, FIN-00014
University of Helsinki, <matti.miestamo at>
Jussi Ylikoski, Finno-Ugrian Languages, Fennicum, FIN-20014 University of
Turku, <jussi.ylikoski at>

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