Cristiano Broccias: The English Change Network (2003)

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Mon Jul 21 07:27:09 UTC 2003

New from Mouton de Gruyter!

>From the Series

Series Editors: René Dirven, Ronald W. Langacker, and John R. Taylor

Cristiano Broccias
Forcing Changes into Schemas

2003. viii, 392 pages. Cloth.
Euro 84.00 / sFr 134.00/ approx. US$ 92.00
ISBN 3-11-017646-7
(Cognitive Linguistics Research 22)

This book introduces the notion of change construction and systematically studies, within a Cognitive Grammar framework, the rich inventory of its instantiations in English, from well-known structures such as the so-called resultative construction to a variety of largely ignored types such as asymmetric resultatives, sublexical change constructions and mildly causal constructions.

Cristiano Broccias teaches at the Universities of Genova and Pavia, Italy.


Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Two constructions
2. Cognitive Grammar
3. Preview

Chapter 2 Resultative constructions and change constructions
1. Resultative constructions and phrases
2. The billiard-ball model
3. The change phrase

Chapter 3 Asymmetric resultatives and the change complex
1. Transitivity
2. Summary
3. Impossible combinations

Chapter 4 Motion and idiosyncrasy
1. The motion scenario
2. Tight links and information retrieval
3. Lexical variation
4. Interim conclusion

Chapter 5 The Force Change Schema and the Event Change Schema
1. The Force Change Schema
2. The Event Change Schema

Chapter 6 The Event Force Change Schema and verb classes
1. The Event Force Change Schema
2. The lack of object orientation
3. On indeterminacy and complexity
4. Verb classes

Chapter 7 at-constructions
1. The conative alternation
2. The allative and ablative scenarios
3. Pesetsky's (1995) paradox

Chapter 8 Conclusion

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