Elke Teich: Cross-Linguistic Variation in System and Text
Julia Ulrich
Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Tue May 20 16:02:53 UTC 2003
New from Mouton de Gruyter!
>From the series
Series Editors: Annely Rothkegel and John Laffling
Elke Teich
A Methodology for the Investigation of Translations and Comparable Texts
2003. x, 276 pages. Cloth.
Euro 68.00 [D] / sFr 109.00 / approx. US$ 75.00
ISBN 3-11-017615-7
Text, Translation, Computational Processing 5)
The intuition that translations are somehow different from texts that are not translations has been around for many years, but most of the common linguistic frameworks are not comprehensive enough to account for the wealth and complexity of linguistic phenomena that make a translation a special kind of text.
The present book provides a novel methodology for investigating the specific linguistic properties of translations. As this methodology is both corpus-based and driven by a functional theory of language, it is powerful enough to account for the multi-dimensional nature of cross-linguistic variation in translations and cross-lingually comparable texts.
Elke Teich teaches at the University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany.
>From the Contents:
1 Introduction
1.1 Goals
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Methods
1.4 Road map through this book
2 State-of-the-art
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Multilingual research: objectives and methods
2.3 Hawkins' comparative typology of English and German
2.4 Doherty's research on English-German contrasts in translations
2.5 Baker's universal features of translations
2.6 Contrastive linguistics: register analysis
2.7 Summary and conclusions
3 Theory and Model of cross-linguistic variation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Systemic Functional Linguistics: theory and model
3.3 Model of multilinguality
3.4 Summary and envoi
4 System: English--German grammatical contrasts and commonalities
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The grammar of the clause
4.3 Other ranks
4.4 Summary of major contrasts and commonalities
5 Text: English--German parallel, multilingually comparable and monolingually comparable texts
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Hypotheses and their testing
5.3 Analyses and interpretation of hypotheses
5.4 Summary and conclusions
6 Summary and conclusions
6.1 Summary: Cross-linguistic variation in multilingual texts
6.2 Assessment of the methodology
6.3 Envoi: Other contexts of application and issues for future research
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