ICLA Membership; website and webforms

Suzanne Kemmer kemmer at RICE.EDU
Tue May 27 21:33:21 UTC 2003

The International Cognitive Linguistics Association website is up and
running at :


You can access the membership web form under the link Membership (bottom
of the main page),
and from there by scrolling down to the link Web Subscription Form.

Once the form is filled in and  generated, you have to print it out and
mail or
fax it in to Mouton with your credit card info or bank info
written in.   No financial info is sent through the internet.

The above is a temporary web address. We are working to get our
regular address back in service.  I will keep the lists posted when
this is done.

Suzanne Kemmer,
on behalf of the ICLA

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